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Yo-Yo Belt LoopYo-Yo Pin
Yo-Yo Preview Adventure

This Adventure is a Preview Adventure which is currently under review.
See the information on It may be earned by Cub Scouts in each level after Tiger

Wolf badge

Complete each of the following:

  1. Learn the safety rules of using a yo-yo and follow them at all times.
  2. Using a real yo-yo string, a regular string, or a piece of yarn, show how to find the proper yo-yo string length for you.
  3. Explain why it is important to have the correct string length and to be in the right location before throwing a yo-yo.
  4. Demonstrate how to properly string a yo-yo and how to create a slip knot.
  5. In an area where there are no hazards or other people, conduct the pendulum experiment with a yo-yo. Explain what happens to the yo-yo when the string is short compared to when the string is longer.
  6. Show that you can properly wind a yo-yo.
  7. Demonstrate the gravity pull trick with a yo-yo.

Workbook for use with these requirements: PDF Format DOCX Format

Bear Badge

Complete each of the following:

  1. Learn the safety rules of using a yo-yo and follow them at all times.
  2. Using a real yo-yo string, a regular string, or a piece of yarn, show how to find the proper yo-yo string length for you.
  3. Explain why it is important to have the correct string length and to be in the right location before throwing a yo-yo.
  4. Demonstrate how to properly string a yo-yo and how to create a slip knot.
  5. In an area where there are no hazards or other people, conduct the pendulum experiment with a yo-yo. Explain what happens to the yo-yo when the string is short compared to when the string is longer.
  6. Show that you can properly wind a yo-yo.
  7. Demonstrate the gravity pull trick with a yo-yo.

Workbook for use with these requirements: PDF Format DOCX Format

Webelos Badges

Complete each of the following:

  1. Learn the safety rules of using a yo-yo and follow them at all times.
  2. Using a real yo-yo string, a regular string, or a piece of yarn, show how to find the proper yo-yo string length for you.
  3. Explain why it is important to have the correct string length and to be in the right location before throwing a yo-yo.
  4. Demonstrate how to properly string a yo-yo and how to create a slip knot.
  5. In an area where there are no hazards or other people, conduct the pendulum experiment with a yo-yo. Explain what happens to the yo-yo when the string is longer.
  6. Show that you can properly wind a yo-yo.
  7. Demonstrate one of the following:
    1. Gravity pull
    2. Sleeper
    3. Breakaway

Workbook for use with these requirements: PDF Format DOCX Format

Arrow of Light Badge


Complete each of the following:

  1. Learn the safety rules of using a yo-yo and follow them at all times.
  2. Using a real yo-yo string, a regular string, or a piece of yarn, show how to find the proper yo-yo string length for you.
  3. Explain why it is important to have the correct string length and to be in the right location before throwing a yo-yo.
  4. Demonstrate how to properly string a yo-yo and how to create a slip knot.
  5. In an area where there are no hazards or other people, conduct the pendulum experiment with a yo-yo. Explain what happens to the yo-yo when the string is longer.
  6. Show that you can properly wind a yo-yo.
  7. Demonstrate TWO of the following:
    1. Gravity pull
    2. Sleeper
    3. Breakaway
    4. Elevator

Workbook for use with these requirements: PDF Format DOCX Format


Page updated on: May 15, 2021

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