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Modular Design Preview Adventure Logo
Modular Design Preview Adventure

This Adventure is a Preview Adventure which is currently under review.
See the information on It may be earned by Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light Cub Scouts

The Modular Design Preview Adventure is sponsored by Snap Ships. This Adventure is for Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light Scouts as they learn the benefits of modular designing and building within the fun and exciting world of Snap Ships. Snap Ships has provided great video resources that can be used for virtual or in person den meetings. This adventure features a new DIGITAL instant recognition for Cub Scouts with a congratulatory video , a special Snap Ships “License to Build” , and a 25% discount on Snap Ships. The Den Leader can present these recognitions instantly either in person or virtually. There are no adventure loops or pins to purchase for this adventure.

Bear Badge

Complete the following requirements:

  1. Learn what modular design is and identify three things that use modular design in their construction.
  2. Identify three benefits of using modular design.
  3. Using modular-based building pieces, build a model from a set of instructions.
  4. Using modular-based building pieces, build a model without using a set of instructions. The model may represent something real or imagined.
  5. Using the model you made in requirement 4, create a set of step-by-step instructions on how to make your model. Have someone make your model using your instructions.
  6. Share your model with your den and/or family. Explain what your model is designed to do.

Workbook for use with these requirements: PDF Format DOCX Format

Webelos Badges

Complete the following requirements:

  1. Learn what modular design is and identify three things that use modular design in their construction.
  2. Identify three benefits to using modular design.
  3. Using modular-based building pieces, build a model from a set of instructions.
  4. Using modular-based building pieces, build a model without a set of instructions. The model may represent something real or fictional.
  5. Using the model you made in requirement 4, create a set of step-by-step instructions on how to build your model. Have someone build your model using your instructions.
  6. Share your model with your den and/or family. Explain what your model is designed to do.
  7. With your parent or legal guardian's permission, watch a video demonstrating how something was built using modular design.

Workbook for use with these requirements: PDF Format DOCX Format

Arrow of Light Badge


Complete the following requirements:

  1. Learn what modular design is and identify three things that use modular design in their construction.
  2. Identify three benefits to using modular design.
  3. Using modular-based building pieces, build a model from a set of instructions.
  4. Using modular-based building pieces, build a model without a set of instructions. The model may represent something real or fictional.
  5. Using the model you made in requirement 4, create a set of step-by-step instructions on how to build your model. Have someone build your model using your instructions.
  6. Share your model with your den and/or family. Explain what your model is designed to do.
  7. Without building it, design a model that uses modular-based building pieces. Create a set of step-by-step instructions.
  8. With your parent or legal guardian's permission, watch a video demonstrating how something was built using modular design.

Workbook for use with these requirements: PDF Format DOCX Format

and BSA bin item no. 510-79221

Page updated on: July 20, 2021

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