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Bear Handbook Cover

Bear Badge

Bear Core Adventures

These were the modified requirements as originally distributed in December, 2016 until the addendum was published and distributed in 2017.

To see the CURRENT requirements, Click here.

For the previous requirements, Click here

Note: BSA originally published changes to Cub Scout advancement requirements in late November, 2016, in the form of an on-line document listing the original and proposed requirements. The requirements shown below are those in that document.
The revised requirements were later published in addendum booklets to be inserted in the Cub Scout Handbooks for each level until they can be revised and republished. The wording in the addendum booklets is similar to, but does not exactly match the wording in the original proposal shown below.

There are 6 Core (Required) Adventures in the Bear program:

  1. Bear Claws
  2. Bear Necessities
  3. Fellowship and Duty to God
  4. Fur, Feathers, and Ferns
  5. Baloo the Builder
  6. Paws for Action (Duty to Country)
Bear Claws Adventure Loop

Bear Required Adventure: Bear Claws

Complete the following requirements.

  1. Learn about three common designs of pocketknives.
  2. Learn knife safety and earn your Whittling Chip.*
  3. Do one of the following:
    1. Using a pocketknife, carve two items.
    2. With a pocket knife, safely perform each of these tasks:
      1. Demonstrate how to cut a piece of rope, twine or fishing line;
      2. Open a sealed box without damaging the contents;
      3. Open a can with a can opener tool on a pocket knife;
      4. Remove and replace the screws on an object with the screw driver tool on a pocket knife;
      5. Open a letter

*One of the items carved for requirement 3 may be used to fulfill Whittling Chip requirement 3.

Bear Necessities Adventure Loop

Bear Required Adventure: Bear Necessities

Complete Requirements 1 - 4. Requirements 5 and 6 are optional.

  1. While working on your Bear badge, attend one of the following:
    1. A daytime or overnight campout with your pack or family
    2. An outdoor activity with your den or pack
    3. Day camp
    4. Resident camp
  2. Make a list of items you should take along on the activity selected in Requirement 1.
  3. Make a list of equipment that the group should bring along in addition to each Scout’s personal gear for the activity selected in Requirement 1.
  4. Help set up a tent. Determine a good spot for the tent, and explain to your den leader why you picked it.
  5. Demonstrate how to tie two half hitches and explain what the hitch is used for.
  6. Learn how to read a thermometer and a barometer. Keep track of the temperature and barometric pressure readings and the actual weather at the same time every day for seven days.
Fellowship and Duty to God Adventure Loop

Bear Required Adventure: Fellowship and Duty to God

Complete the following requirements.

  1. Discuss with your parent, guardian, den leader, or other caring adult what it means to do your duty to God. Tell how you do your duty to God in your daily life.
  2. Complete at least one of the following:
    1. Identify a person whose faith you admire, and discuss this person with your family.
    2. With a family member, provide service to a place of worship or a spiritual community, school, or community organization that puts into practice your ideals of duty to God and strengthens your fellowship with others.
  3. Complete at least one of the following:
    1. Earn the religious emblem of your faith that is appropriate for your age, if you have not already done so.
    2. Make a list of things you can do to practice your duty to God as you are taught in your home or place of worship or spiritual community. Select two of the items and practice them for two weeks.
Fur, Feathers, and Ferns Adventure Loop

Bear Required Adventure: Fur, Feathers, and Ferns

Complete Requirement 1 and three others.

  1. While hiking or walking for one mile, identify six signs that any mammals, birds, insects, reptiles, or plants are living near the place where you choose to hike or walk.
  2. Visit one of the following: zoo, wildlife refuge, nature center, aviary, game preserve, local conservation area, wildlife rescue group, or fish hatchery. Describe what you learned during your visit.
  3. Name one animal that has become extinct in the last 100 years and one animal that is currently endangered. Explain what caused their declines.
  4. Observe wildlife from a distance. Describe what you saw.
  5. Use a magnifying glass to examine plants more closely. Describe what you saw through the magnifying glass that you could not see without it.
  6. Learn about composting and how vegetable waste can be turned into fertilizer for plants.
  7. Plant a vegetable or herb garden.
Baloo the Builder Adventure Loop

Bear Required Adventure: Baloo the Builder

Complete all of the following requirements.

  1. Discover which hand tools are the best ones to have in your tool box. Learn the rules for using these tools safely. Practice with at least four of these tools before beginning a project.
  2. Select, plan, and define the materials for the project you will complete in requirement 3.
  3. Assemble your materials, and build one useful project and one fun project using wood.
  4. Apply a finish to one of your projects.
Paws for Action Adventure Loop

Bear Required Adventure: Paws for Action (Duty to Country)

Complete Requirement 1 and two others from Requirements 2-4.

  1. Learn about our nation's flag. Display it at home for one month. Say the Pledge of Allegiance and learn its meaning.
  2. Do at least one of the following.
    1. Find out about two famous Americans. Share what you learned.
    2. Find out where places of historical interest are located in or near your community, town, or city. Go and visit one of them with your family or den.
  3. Do at least two of the following.
    1. With your school or den, visit a local sheriff's office, police station, or fire department OR talk with a fire safety officer or law enforcement officer visiting your school or den. Find out what skills the officers use to do their jobs. Ask questions that will help you learn how to stay safe.
    2. Make a list of emergency numbers and discuss with your family where the list should be kept. Show your family that you know how to call for help in an emergency. Talk with your family about people who could help you if a parent is not available.
    3. With your family, develop a plan to follow in case of an emergency, and practice the plan at least three times. Your family can determine the emergency, or you can develop several plans.
  4. Do at least one of the following.
    1. Do a cleanup project that benefits your community.
    2. Participate in a patriotic community parade or other civic event that honors our country.

Sources: Cub Scout Bear Handbook (#33451 - SKU 620136)

Page updated on: September 22, 2017

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