February 2006 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue |
Volume 13, Issue 7
March 2007 Theme |
Theme: Baloo Skies
Athlete & Engiineer
Tiger Cub Activities |
Nature Lover's Creed
- The things I prize of great worth,
Are just the common things of earth:
- The rain, the sun, the grass, the trees,
The flowers, the birds, the glorious breeze,
- Clouds that pass, the stars that shine,
Mountains, valleys, all are mine.
- Rivers broad, and open sea,
Are riches none can take from me.
- And God is here on every hand,
Upon the sea, upon the land.
- So day by day my thanks I give,
That with these common things I live.
- W: Wooly clouds in the sky
Will bring rain drops by and by
- E: Evening red and morning gray
Send the traveler on his way
- A: A sunny shower
Won't last and hour
- T: To the surface, quick to bite
Catch your fish, when rain’s in sight
- H: Hear the sounds traveling far and wide
A stormy day does this betide
- E: Evening gray and morning red
Send the traveler wet to bed
- R: Rain never comes to pass
When dew is on the grass
Cubbing in the Clouds
Cast: Four Scouts and a Leader
Materials: Have four Scouts each with a picture of a cloud on front of his card and his part in LARGE text on the back of the card. Pictures needed – Stratus Clouds, Altocumulus clouds, Cirrus clouds, Cumulonimbus clouds.
Leader:This month our Cubs were learning about weather and the sky. Let’s hear a little about what they learned and how it relates to Cub Scouting.
- Stratus clouds are uniform dull gray clouds that often cover the entire sky. Usually no precipitation falls from stratus clouds. When a thick fog "lifts," the resulting clouds are stratus. These drab, gray clouds are like the world of many boys before they experience the excitement of Cub Scouting.
- Altocumulus clouds are middle level clouds that are made of water droplets and appear gray and puffy. They frequently are in parallel waves or bands. This is like our Tigers as they learn to walk together in parallel rows in a parade and work together on a project by all going in the same direction.
- Cirrus clouds are thin, wispy clouds blown by high winds into long streamers. They are considered "high clouds" forming above 20,000 ft. They generally mean fair to pleasant weather. These clouds resemble our Wolfs and Bears going higher blown along by the help of their parents.
Cumulo-nimbus clouds are very tall thunderstorm clouds that form if cumulus congestus clouds continue to grow vertically. Their tops may extend upward over 39,000 ft. They contain tremendous amounts of energy. Just like our Webelos who stand taller than the younger boys in the pack and are full of energy because they are excited about becoming Boy Scouts and going camping and doing outdoor activities with a troop.
Leader:Thank you. Now let us salute our flag which has one of the greatest constellations, the stars representing our 50 states.
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