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Alternate Requirements

Tenderfoot, Second Class,
and First Class Ranks
Alternate Requirements

A Scout who is unable to complete any or all of the requirements for Tenderfoot, Second Class, or First Class rank because he is physically or mentally disabled may complete alternative requirements if the following criteria are met:

  1. The physical or mental disability must be of a permanent rather than a temporary nature.
  2. A clear and concise medical statement concerning the Scout's disabilities must be submitted by a physician licensed to practice medicine. In the alternative, an evaluation statement certified by an educational administrator may be submitted. The medical statement must state the doctor's opinion that the Scout cannot complete the requirement(s) because of a permanent disability.
  3. The Scout, his parents, or leaders must submit to the council advancement committee, a written request that the Scout be allowed to complete alternative requirements for Tenderfoot, Second Class, or First Class rank. The request must explain the suggested alternate requirements in sufficient detail so as to allow the advancement committee to make a decision. The request must also include the medical statement required in paragraph two above. The written request for alternate requirements must be submitted to and approved by the local council prior to completing alternate requirements.
  4. The Scout must complete as many of the regular requirements as his ability permits before applying for alternate requirements.
  5. The alternate requirements must be of such a nature that they are as demanding of effort as the regular requirements.
  6. When alternate requirements involve physical activity, they must be approved by the physician.
  7. The unit leader and any board of review must explain that to attain Tenderfoot, Second Class, or First Class rank a candidate is expected to do his best in developing himself to the limit of his resources.
  8. The written request must be approved by the council advancement committee, utilizing the expertise of professional persons involved in Scouting for disabled youth. The decision of the council advancement committee should be recorded and delivered to the Scout and his leader.

(NOTE: The substitution of "trip" for "hike" in the footnote to Second Class requirement 1b does NOT require the procedure listed above. That substitution may be permitted by the unit leaders based on their understanding of the Scout's physical condition. )

Eagle Scout Rank
Alternate Requirements

  1. The Eagle Scout rank may be achieved by a Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, or qualified* Venturer who has a physical or mental disability by qualifying for alternate merit badges. This does not apply to individual requirements for merit badges. Merit badges are awarded only when all requirements are met as stated.
  2. The physical or mental disability must be of a permanent rather than a temporary nature.
  3. A clear and concise medical statement concerning the Scout's disabilities must be submitted by a physician licensed to practice medicine, or an evaluation statement must be certified by an educational administrator.
  4. The candidate must earn as many of the required merit badges as his ability permits before applying for an alternate Eagle Scout merit badge.
  5. The candidate must complete as many of the requirements of the required merit badges as his ability permits.
    6.The Application for Alternate Eagle Scout Merit Badges must be completed prior to qualifying for alternate merit badges.
  6. 7.The alternate merit badges chosen must be of such a nature that they are as demanding of effort as the required merit badges.
  7. 8.When alternates chosen involve physical activity, they must be approved by the physician.
  8. 9.The unit leader and the board of review must explain that to attain the Eagle Scout rank a candidate is expected to do his best in developing himself to the limit of his resources.
  9. 10.The application must be approved by the council committee responsible for advancement, utilizing the expertise of professional persons involved in Scouting for the disabled.
  10. 11.The candidate's application for Eagle must be made on the Eagle Scout Rank Application, with the Application for Alternate Eagle Scout Award Merit Badges attached.

Page updated on: November 28, 2017

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