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Merit Badge File Names

The following table gives the file names for the Merit Badge Requirements found on this system in the directory. The File names are based on the numbers assigned to each Merit Badge by BSA for their Council Advancement records. We have been informed that BSA is now using a different set of numbers to identify the merit badges in "Scoutbook", and we will be adding that information to the web pagec for each merit badge and  to the lists of merit badge requirements, pamphlets, workbooks, etc.  However, rather than renumbering and renaming all of the files, we will just extend the old numbering for new merit badges, Starting with the Citizenship in Society and Health Care Professions merit badges introduced in November, 2021.

For example, Camping Merit Badge has been assigned Number 1 by BSA, and and ID number 20 in Scoutbook.  On this website, the requirements for Camping merit badge is found at, and the color graphic for the Merit Badge is at

Merit Badge names and numbers shown in this format have been discontinued by BSA, and are included in this table only for reference purposes.

Note that the BSA numbering system began around 1986.  Merit Badges prior to that date were not assigned numbers, and were referenced in BSA's records only by name.  there were nearly 100 merit badges that had been available and dropped between the start of the merit badge program in 1910, and the assignment of numbers, in addition to the badges listed below. For a full list of all merit badges ever offered by BSA, and the years when they were available, Click here.

Exceptions to the naming convention for merit badge images:

There are 2 versions of the Cooking, Cycling, Family Life, and Hiking merit badges.
mb038c.gif, mb039c.gif, mb129oc.gif,  and mb061c.gif have green borders, and
mb038rc.gif, mb039rc.gif, mb129c.gif, and mb061rc.gif have silver borders,
in line with the change of these Merit Badges
from Elective to Required status.

There are 2 versions of the Safety and Sports merit badges.
mb012c.gif and mb013c.gif have silver borders, and
mb012oc.gif and mb013oc.gif have green borders,
in line with the change of these Merit Badges
from Required to Elective status in 1999.

There are 2 versions of the
Aviation, Journalism, and Railroading merit badges
due to changes in the design of these merit badges.
mb025c.gif, mb066c.gif and mb094c.gif are the older versions
mb025ac.gif, mb066ac.gif and mb094ac.gif are the current versions

The Atomic Energy merit badge image is mb024c.gif,
while the Nuclear Science merit badge image is mb024ac.jpg

The Auto Mechanics merit badge image is mb127c.gif,
while the Automotive Maintenance merit badge image is mb127ac.jpg

The Cinematography merit badge image (mb126c.gif)
is identical to the Moviemaking merit badge image (mb156c.gif).

The Health Care Professions merit badge image (mb161c.gif)
is identical to the Medicine merit badge image (mb130c.gif).


Numerical Sort
Number Merit Badge Name
001 Camping
002 Citizenship in the Community
003 Citizenship in the Nation
004 Citizenship in the World
005 Communication
006 Emergency Preparedness
007 Environmental Science
008 First Aid
009 Lifesaving
010 Personal Fitness
011 Personal Management
012 Safety
013 Sports
014 Swimming
015 American Business
016 American Heritage
017 American Cultures
018 Animal Science
019 Archery
020 Architecture
021 Art
022 Astronomy
023 Athletics
024 Atomic Energy
Nuclear Science
025 Aviation
026 Backpacking
027 Basketry
028 Beekeeping
029 Bird Study
030 Bookbinding
031 Botany
032 Bugling
033 Canoeing
034 Chemistry
035 Coin Collecting
036 Computers
037 Consumer Buying
038 Cooking


040 Dentistry
041 Dog Care
042 Drafting
043 Electricity
044 Electronics
045 Energy
046 Engineering
047 Farm and Ranch Management
048 Farm Mechanics
049 Fingerprinting
050 Firemanship
Fire Safety
051 Fish and Wildlife Management
052 Fishing
053 Food Systems
054 Forestry
055 Gardening
056 Genealogy
057 General Science
058 Geology
059 Golf
060 Handicap Awareness
Disabilities Awareness


062 Home Repairs
063 Horsemanship
064 Indian Lore
065 Insect Life
Insect Study
066 Journalism
067 Landscape Architecture
068 Law
069 Leatherwork
070 Machinery
071 Mammals
Mammal Study
072 Masonry
073 Metals Engineering
074 Metalwork
075 Model Design and Building
076 Motorboating
077 Music
078 Nature
079 Oceanography
080 Orienteering
081 Painting
082 Pets
083 Photography
084 Pioneering
085 Plant Science
086 Plumbing
087 Pottery
088 Printing
089 Public Health
090 Public Speaking
091 Pulp and Paper
092 Rabbit Raising
093 Radio
094 Railroading
095 Reading
096 Reptile Study
Reptile and Amphibian Study
097 Rifle and Shotgun Shooting
098 Rowing
099 Salesmanship
100 Scholarship
101 Sculpture
102 Signaling
103 Skating
104 Skiing
105 Small Boat Sailing
106 Soil and Water Conservation
107 Space Exploration
108 Stamp Collecting
109 Surveying
110 Textile
111 Theater
112 Traffic Safety
113 Truck Transportation
114 Veterinary Science
Veterinary Medicine
115 Waterskiing
Water Sports
116 Weather
117 Wilderness Survival
118 Wood Carving
119 Woodwork
120 Agribusiness
121 American Labor
122 Graphic Arts
123 Rifle Shooting
124 Shotgun Shooting
125 Whitewater
126 Cinematography
127 Auto Mechanics
Automotive Maintenance
128 Collections
129 Family Life
130 Medicine to be retired when the Health Care Professions
merit badge is introduced
131 Crime Prevention
132 Archaeology
133 Climbing
134 Entrepreneurship
135 Snow Sports
136 Fly Fishing
137 Composite Materials
138 Scuba Diving
139 Historic Carpentry
140 Historic Pathfinding
141 Historic Signaling
142 Historic Tracking
143 Scouting Heritage
144 Inventing
145 Geocaching
146 Robotics
147 Chess
148 Welding
149 Kayaking
150 Search and Rescue
151 Game Design
152 Sustainability
153 Programming
154 Digital Technology
155 Mining in Society
156 Moviemaking
157 Signs, Signals, and Codes
158 Animation
160 Citizenship in Society
161 Health Care Professions
Alphabetical Sort
Merit Badge Name Number
Agribusiness 120
American Business 015
American Cultures 017
American Heritage 016
American Labor 121
Animal Science 018
Animation 158
Archaeology 132
Archery 019
Architecture 020
Art 021
Astronomy 022
Athletics 023
Auto Mechanics
Automotive Maintenance
Aviation 025
Backpacking 026
Basketry 027
Beekeeping 028
Bird Study 029
Bookbinding 030
Botany 031
Bugling 032
Camping 001
Canoeing 033
Chemistry 034
Chess 147
Cinematography 126
Citizenship in Society 160
Citizenship in the Community 002
Citizenship in the Nation 003
Citizenship in the World 004
Climbing 133
Coin Collecting 035
Collections 128
Communication 005
Composite Materials 137
Computers 036
Consumer Buying 037
Cooking 038
Crime Prevention 131


Dentistry 040
Digital Technology 154
Disabilities Awareness
Handicap Awareness
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Cancelled)
Dog Care 041
Drafting 042
Electricity 043
Electronics 044
Emergency Preparedness 006
Energy 045
Engineering 046
Entrepreneurship 134
Environmental Science 007
Family Life 129
Farm and Ranch Management 047
Farm Mechanics 048
Fingerprinting 049
Fire Safety
First Aid 008
Fish and Wildlife Management 051
Fishing 052
Fly Fishing 136
Food Systems 053
Forestry 054
Game Design 151
Gardening 055
Genealogy 056
General Science 057
Geocaching 145
Geology 058
Golf 059
Graphic Arts 122
Health Care Professions 161
Hiking 061
Historic Carpentry 139
Historic Pathfinding 140
Historic Signaling 141
Historic Tracking 142
Home Repairs 062
Horsemanship 063
Indian Lore 064
Insect Life
Insect Study
Inventing 144
Journalism 066
Kayaking 149
Landscape Architecture 067
Law 068
Leatherwork 069
Lifesaving 009
Machinery 070
Mammal Study
Masonry 072
Medicine to be retired when the Health Care Professions
merit badge is introduced
Metals Engineering 073
Metalwork 074
Mining in Society 155
Model Design and Building 075
Motorboating 076
Moviemaking 156
Music 077
Nature 078
Nuclear Science
Atomic Energy
Oceanography 079
Orienteering 080
Painting 081
Personal Fitness 010
Personal Management 011
Pets 082
Photography 083
Pioneering 084
Plant Science 085
Plumbing 086
Pottery 087
Printing 088
Programming 153
Public Health 089
Public Speaking 090
Pulp and Paper 091
Rabbit Raising 092
Radio 093
Railroading 094
Reading 095
Reptile Study
Reptile and Amphibian Study
Rifle and Shotgun Shooting 097
Rifle Shooting 123
Robotics 146
Rowing 098
Safety 012
Salesmanship 099
Scholarship 100
Scouting Heritage 143
Scuba Diving 138
Sculpture 101
Search and Rescue 150
Shotgun Shooting 124
Signs, Signals, and Codes 157
Signaling 102
Skating 103
Skiing 104
Small Boat Sailing 105
Snow Sports 135
Soil and Water Conservation 106
Space Exploration 107
Sports 013
Stamp Collecting 108
Surveying 109
Sustainability 152
Swimming 014
Textile 110
Theater 111
Traffic Safety 112
Truck Transportation 113
Veterinary Science
Veterinary Medicine
Water Sports
Weather 116
Welding 148
Whitewater 125
Wilderness Survival 117
Wood Carving 118
Woodwork 119

Page updated on: May 08, 2022

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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