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Nova Award Patch

Dr. Luis W. Alvarez Supernova Award
for Cub Scouts

The requirements shown below became effective on June 1, 2015. when the rank requirements for Cub Scouts changed
and may be used only until December 31, 2017.

Cub Scouts who were working on the Nova awards or one of the Supernova awards prior to December 31, 2015, had two options:

Complete the award no later than December 31, 2015, using the original requirements
as published in the original Cub Scout Nova Awards Guidebook (No. 34032 / SKU 614935)
Complete the award using the requirements shown below.

Cub Scouts working on the Nova awards or one of the Supernova awards in 2017 have two options:

Complete the award no later than December 31, 2017, using the requirements shown below
Complete the award using the current requirements.

New text is in bold GREEN underlined Serif text like this sentence.
Deleted text is in struck through RED italic text like this sentence.

To see these requirements, without the changes highlighted, Click here .

For the original requirements, Click here.

To see the current requirements, Click here.

Although it is not a requirement, it is recommended that you earn at least two of the four Nova awards for Cub Scouts before earning the Dr. Luis W. Alvarez Supernova Award.

  1. Earn the Science AND Mathematics Cub Scout academic pins.
    Complete both of the adventures appropriate for your rank.
      Wolf Cub Scouts Bear Cub Scouts
      Air of the Wolf Make It Move
      Code of the Wolf Super Science
  2. Earn THREE of the following Cub Scout academic pins: Astronomy, Computers, Geography, Geology, Map and Compass, Nutrition, Pet Care, Photography, Reading and Writing, Video Games, Weather, and Wildlife Conservation.
    Complete the following adventure appropriate for your rank.
      Wolf Cub Scouts Bear Cub Scouts
      Call of the Wild Forensics or Marble Madness
  3. Find interesting facts about Dr. Luis W. Alvarez using resources in your school or local library or on the Internet (with your parent's or guardian's permission and guidance). Then discuss what you learn with your mentor, including answers to the following questions: What very important award did Dr. Alvarez earn? What was his famous theory about dinosaurs?
  4. Find out about three other famous scientists, technology innovators, engineers, or mathematicians approved by your mentor. Discuss what you learned with your mentor.
  5. Speak with your teacher(s) at school (or your parents if you are home-schooled) OR one of your Cub Scout leaders about your interest in earning the Cub Scout Supernova award. Ask them why they think math and science are important in your education. Discuss what you learn with your mentor.
  6. Participate in a science project or experiment in your classroom or school OR do a special science project approved by your teacher. Discuss this activity with your mentor.
  7. Do ONE of the following:
    1. Visit with someone who works in a STEM-related career. Discuss what you learned with your mentor.
    2. Learn about a career that depends on knowledge about science, technology, engineering, or mathematics. Discuss what you learned with your mentor.
  8. Learn about the scientific method (or scientific process). Discuss this with your mentor, and include a simple demonstration to show what you learned.
  9. Participate in a Nova- or other STEM-related activity in your Cub Scout den or pack meeting that is conducted by a Boy Scout or Venturer who is working on his or her Supernova award. If this is not possible, participate in another Nova- or STEM-related activity in your den or pack meeting.
  10. Submit an application for the Cub Scout Supernova award to the district Nova or advancement committee for approval.

The requirements for and further information about this award may be found in the current edition of the
Cub Scout Nova Awards Guidebook (BSA Publication No. 34032)

Worksheets for use in working on these requirements: Format
Word Format PDF Format

Blanks in this worksheets table appear when we do not have a worksheet for the badge that includes these requirements.


Page updated on: November 28, 2017

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