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Supernova Bronze Award
for Venturers and Sea Scouts
The Requirements were
REVISED effective
in 2015.
For the previous requirements,
Click here.
First-Level Supernova Award for Venturers.
You must be a Venturer (or Sea Scout) to earn a Venturer Supernova
award. With your parent's and unit leader's help, you must select a
council-approved mentor who is a registered Scouter. You may NOT choose
your parent or your unit leader (unless the mentor is working with more
than one youth).
A Note to the Mentor
The Venturer Supernova awards recognize superior achievement by a
Venturer in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
(STEM). All experiments or projects should be conducted using the highest
level of safety protocol and always under the supervision of a qualified,
responsible adult.
These STEM exploration topics are approved for earning the
Venturer Supernova awards:
Animal Science |
Chemistry |
Energy |
Geocaching |
Nuclear Science |
Scuba Diving |
Archaeology |
Composite Materials |
Engineering |
Geology |
Oceanography |
Soil and Water Conservation |
Architecture |
Computers |
Environmental Science |
Insect Study |
Plant Science |
Space Exploration |
Astronomy |
Dentistry |
Farm Mechanics |
Inventing |
Pulp and Paper |
Surveying |
Automotive Maintenance |
Drafting |
Fish and Wildlife Management |
Mammal Study |
Radio |
Veterinary Medicine |
Aviation |
Electricity |
Forestry |
Medicine |
Reptile and Amphibian Study |
Weather |
Bird Study |
Electronics |
Gardening |
Nature |
Robotics |
Welding |
- Complete THREE of the Venturer Nova Awards. (Note: These may
be done at any time after becoming a Venturer.)
- Complete the Venturing Scholarship exploration.
(The following requirement was inadvertently
left out of the guidebook.)
- Do ONE of the following:
- Show that you have had an average grade of B or higher
(80 percent or higher) for one term or semester.
- Show that for one term or semester you have improved
your school grades over the previous period.
- Do TWO of the following:
- Discuss with your mentor the following situation: Suppose
you are writing a research paper and you find a resource
in which the author's words are so perfectly aligned with
your perspectives and understanding that you cannot imagine
a better way to put it in your paper than to use the author's
own words. How can you handle such a situation while still
maintaining scholarly integrity?
- Discuss with your mentor the following situation: Suppose
you are writing a research paper and you find resources
with conflicting "facts" and/or conflicting conclusions.
What are some viable strategies for resolving these conflicts
and deciding which resources are trustworthy?
- Discuss with your mentor the following situation: Suppose
you are writing a research paper and have acquired dozens
of resources. How would you keep track of the resources,
summarize the salient parts of each resource, and synthesize
the collection of resources into a coherent research paper?
- Get a note from an instructor* of yours that states that
during the past term you have demonstrated satisfactory abilities
or progress in independently completing scholarly endeavors
and proactively seeking help when needed.
*If you are home-schooled, you may obtain a note from a counterpart
such as your parent. If you are near the end of your current
term, you may ask a current instructor. Otherwise, you should
ask an instructor from the immediate past term.
- Do ONE of the following:
- Show that you have taken part in a scholarly activity
(in school or in Scouting) that required teamwork, and discuss
with your mentor what you learned about how a team of people
can work together effectively, fairly, and efficiently.
- Find three resources (online, in a library, personal
interview, etc.) of expert advice on successful teamwork
strategies and discuss with your mentor what you learned
about how a team of people can work together effectively,
fairly, and efficiently.
- Do ONE of the following:
- Write an argument of approximately 500 words that defends
or opposes the principle that, "Students should be obligated
to report instances of cheating by others." Discuss this
with your mentor.
- With your crews, another crew, school class, or another
peer group, conduct an ethical controversy discussion that
addresses the question, "Should students be obligated to
report instances of cheating by others?"
- Using the guidelines found in the "Venturing
STEM Explorations" chapter, complete STEM explorations for four
of the topics listed above.
(Note: These may be completed at any time after becoming a Venturer.)
- Complete TWO Supernova activity topics, one each in two different
STEM areas.
- Participate in a local, state, or national science fair or mathematics
competition OR in any equally challenging STEM-oriented competition
or workshop approved by your mentor.
An example of this would be an X-Prize type competition.
- Do ONE of the following:
- Spend at least one day "shadowing" a local scientist or
After your visit, discuss with your mentor your experience and
what you learned about STEM careers.
- Learn about a career that is heavily involved with STEM.
Make a presentation to your mentor about what you learned.
- Working with your mentor; organize and present a Nova award
or other STEM-related program at a Cub Scout den or pack meeting.
Be sure to receive permission from the appropriate unit leader,
and plan accordingly.
If a Cub Scout den or pack is not available, your presentation may
be given to another youth group.
- Review the scientific method (you may know this as the scientific
process) and note how scientists establish hypotheses, theories,
and laws. Compare how the establishment of "facts" or "rules" using
the scientific method differs from the establishment of "facts"
or "rules" in other environments, such as legal, cultural, religious,
military, mathematical, or social environments.
Then do each of the following:
- Choose a current subject with at least two competing theories
on the subject and learn as much as possible about each theory.
Analyze the competing theories, decide which one is most convincing
to you, and explain why to your mentor.
- Make a presentation to your mentor that describes the controversy,
the competing theories,
and your conclusions about how the scientific method can or
cannot contribute to the resolution of the controversy.
- Submit an application to the district or council Nova or advancement
committee for approval.
Page updated on:
June 24, 2018