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Nova Award Patch

Wright Brothers Supernova  Silver Award
for Venturers and Sea Scouts

These were the requirements before the revisions made in 2015

To see the CURRENT requirements, Click here.

Second-Level Supernova Award for Venturers and Sea Scouts.

Option 1: For those who earned the Dr. Sally Ride Supernova Award as a registered Venturer

These STEM exploration topics are approved for earning the Venturer Supernova awards:

Animal Science Archaeology Architecture Astronomy Chemistry
Composite Materials Computers Dentistry Drafting Electricity
Electronics Energy Engineering Farm Mechanics Geocaching
Geology Medicine Nuclear Science Oceanography Plant Science
Pulp and Paper Radio Robotics Scholarship Scuba Diving
Space Exploration Surveying Veterinary Medicine Weather Welding

  1. Earn the Dr. Sally Ride Supernova Award while a registered Venturer.
  2. Complete ONE additional Venturer Nova award for a total of four. (Note: This may be done at any time after becoming a Venturer.)
  3. Using the guidelines found in the "Venturing STEM Explorations" chapter, complete FOUR of the topics listed above.
    The four topics must be different from those completed while working on the Dr. Sally Ride Supernova Award, for a total of eight different topics.
    (Note: These awards may be earned at any time after becoming a Venturer.)
  4. Complete TWO additional Supernova activity topics, one each in the two STEM areas not completed for the Dr. Sally Ride Supernova Award.
     (Note: The intent is that upon completion of the Wright Brothers Supernova Award,
    the Venturer will have completed one Supernova activity topic in each of the four STEM areas.)
  5. Participate in a local, state, or national science fair or mathematics competition OR any other equally challenging STEM-oriented competition or workshop approved by your mentor. An example of this would be an X-Prize type competition.
    (Note: The intent is that upon completion of the Wright Brothers Supernova Award, the Venturer will have participated in two such events.)
  6. Working with your mentor, organize and present a Nova awards or other STEM-related program at a Cub Scout den or pack meeting.
    Be sure to receive permission from the appropriate unit leader.
    If a Cub Scout den or pack is not available, your presentation may be given to another group.
    (Note: The intent is that upon completion of the Wright Brothers Supernova Award, the Venturer will have completed two such presentations.)
  7. Research a scientific, technical, engineering, or mathematical breakthrough or invention of the past 100 years that has affected our society in a meaningful way.
    Develop your hypothesis on how this invention might further affect our society during your lifetime.
    Present either a 30-minute oral report or a 1,500-word written report to your mentor.
  8. Submit an application to the district or council Nova or advancement committee for approval.
Worksheets for use in working on these requirements: Format
Word Format PDF Format

Blanks in this worksheets table appear when we do not have a worksheet for the badge that includes these requirements.

Source: Venturer Nova Awards Guidebook (No. 34031 / SKU 614934)

Page updated on: May 31, 2015

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