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Tiger Cub Scout Handbook Wolf Cub Scout Handbook US Scouting Service Project, Inc. Bear Cub Scout Handbook Webelos Cub Scout Handbook

Cub Scout
Requirements Changes

Effective September 1, 2018

General Information

The Guide to Advancement - 2017 and the current Cub Scout Handbooks are the official Boy Scouts of America sources on Cub Scout advancement procedures.

New editions of the Cub Scout Handbooks and a new Lion Cub Scout Kit, including a Den Leader Guide were issued in September, 2018 in conjunction with the introduction of Family Scouting for Cub Scouts (with separate Dens for Boys and Girls), the upcoming introduction of Family Scouting for Scouts BSA, and the change of the Lion Cub Scout program from a pilot program to a permanent program. The new Handbook editions also incorporated the advancement changes which were first published on-line in November, 2016, then released in print form as an addendum to each Cub Scout Handbook in December, 2016.

The requirements for Lion Cub Scouts are in the Lion Den Leader Guide.  The requirements for Tiger, Wolf, and Bear Cub Scouts are in the Tiger, Wolf, and Bear Handbooks. Webelos and Arrow of Light requirements are in the Webelos Handbook. Bobcat requirements appear in each of the handbooks.

We have reviewed each of the Handbooks and the Den Leader Guide to determine what changed in the advancement requirements. Our review was strictly confined to the text of the requirements for advancement. We did not review the rest of the text in the handbooks to compare them with the previous editions.

We found no changes to the requirements for Lion Cub Scouts from those used during the 2016-2018 pilot (test) period, and no changes to the requirements for the Bobcat Badge. The changes we found are listed below, and represent changes from the text in the addendums not from the body of the previous editions.

We have used the following coding to identify the changes:

New text is in bold GREEN underlined Serif text like this sentence.
Deleted portions are struck through RED italic text like this sentence.

Tiger Cub Scouts

Tiger Badge

Requirement 1 was modified as follows:

  1. Complete each of the six required adventures. with your den or family, (Specific requirements for these adventures can be found in this (the) addendum.)

Tiger Core (Required) Adventures

My Tiger Jungle

The title and requirement 1 were modified as follows:

My Tiger Jungle (Backyard Jungle in the Handbook)

  1. With your parent, guardian, or other caring adult (referred to in the handbook as "your adult partner"), go for a walk outside, and pick out two or more sights or sounds of "nature" around you. Discuss with your partner or den

Tiger Elective Adventures

No changes were found.

Wolf Cub Scouts

Wolf Badge

The introduction line was deleted, and requirements 1 and 2 were modified as follows:

Rank advancement is awarded when each Scout has done the following:

  1. Complete each of the six required Adventures. with your den or family, (Specific requirements for these adventures can be found in this (the) addendum.)
  2. In addition to the six required adventures listed above previously, complete at least one elective Adventure of your den's or family's choosing.

Wolf Core (Required) Adventures

No changes were found.

Wolf Elective Adventures

Cubs Who Care

Requirement 5 was modified as follows:

  1. Paint Draw or paint a picture two different ways: Paint Draw or paint it once the way you usually would paint it and then again by using a blindfold. Discuss with your den the ways the process was different.

Germs Alive

Requirement 1 was modified as follows:

  1. Wash your hands while singing the "germ song." "Happy Birthday" song.

Hometown Heroes

Requirement 4A was modified as follows:

    1. As a den or family, honor a serviceman or servicewoman service member by sending a care package along with a note thanking them for their service.

Bear Cub Scouts

Bear Badge

The introduction line was deleted, and requirements 1 and 2 were modified as follows:

Rank advancement is awarded when each Scout has done the following,

  1. Complete each of the six required Adventures. (Specific requirements for these adventures can be found in this (the) addendum.)
  2. In addition to the six required adventures listed above previously, complete at least one elective Adventure of your den's or family's choosing.

Bear Core (Required) Adventures

Baloo the Builder

The title was modified as follows:

Baloo the Builder (formerly an elective adventure)

Bear Elective Adventures

Critter Care

Requirement 2A was modified as follows:

    1. Make a poster or a PowerPoint presentation about your pet or a pet you would like to own have. Share the poster or presentation with your den, pack, or family.

Grin and Bear it

The title was modified as follows:

Grin and Bear it (formerly a required adventure)

Webelos Cub Scouts

Webelos Badge

The introduction line was deleted, and requirements 2, 3, and 5 were modified as follows:

Rank advancement is awarded when each Scout has done the following,

  1. Complete each of the five required Adventures. (Specific requirements for these adventures can be found in this (the) addendum.)
  2. In addition to the five required adventures listed above, complete at least one elective Adventure of your den's or family's choosing (for a total of at least six adventures).
    (See the list that follows the Arrow of Light requirements.)
  3. Earn the Cyber Chip award for your age. (The Cyber Chip portion of this requirement may be waived by your parent or guardian if you do not have access to the internet.)

Webelos Core (Required) Adventures

Duty to God and You

Requirement 3 was modified as follows:

  1. Discuss with your family, family’s faith leader, or other trusted caring adult how planning and participating in a service of worship or reflection helps you live your duty to God.

Arrow of Light Badge

The introduction line was deleted, the name of the "Outdoorsman" adventure was changed to "Outdoor Adventurer", and requirement 2 was modified as follows:

Rank advancement is awarded when each Scout has done the following,

  1. Complete each of the four required Adventures, (Specific requirements for these adventures can be found in this (the) addendum.)

Arrow of Light Core (Required) Adventures

Outdoor Adventurer Outdoorsman

The name of the adventure was changed from "Outdoorsman" to "Outdoor Adventurer", and a change was made to Option A, requirement 3 which was modified as follows:

  • Option A
    1. Once your tents are set up, discuss with your den and den leader or family what actions you should take in the case of the following extreme weather events which could require you to evacuate:

Scouting Adventure

Requirements 1, 1C, 2, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3D, AND 4 were modified as follows:

  1. Prepare yourself to become a Boy Scout join a troop by completing at least a-c below:
    1. Give the Boy Scout sign, salute, and handshake. Explain when to use each.
  2. Visit a Boy Scout troop meeting with your parent or guardian and, if possible, with your den members and leaders. After the meeting, do the following:
    1. Describe the four steps of Boy Scout advancement.
    2. Describe ranks in Boy Scouting and how they are earned.
    1. Explain the patrol method. Describe the types of patrols that might be part of a Boy Scout troop.
    2. As a patrol, make plans to participate in a Boy Scout troop’s campout or other outdoor activity.
  3. With your Webelos den leader, parent, or guardian, participate in a Boy Scout troop’s campout or other outdoor activity. Use the patrol method while on the outing.

Webelos and/or Arrow of Light Elective Adventures

The name of the "Sportsman" adventure was changed to "Sports"

Misc. Items

Whittling Chip

The Pocketknife Pledge and Knife Safety Rules were modified as shown.

Knife Safety Rules

  • A knife is a tool, not a toy
  • Know how to sharpen a knife. A sharp knife is safer than a dull knife because it is less likely to slip and cut you.
  • Keep the blade clean and dry.
  • Never carry an open pocketknife
  • When you are not using your knife, close it using the palm of your hand and put it away.
  • When you are using the cutting blade, do not try to make big shavings or chips. Cut slowly and steadily Easy does it.
  • Make a safety circle. Before you pick up your knife to use it, stretch your arm out and turn in a circle.
    If you cannot touch anyone or anything else, it is safe to use your knife.
    While using your knife, be sure to watch in case someone walks toward you and gets too close.
    If that happens, put your knife away until it is safe to continue.
  • Always cut away from you, never toward you.
  • Never hand a knife to someone else blade first.
    Learn and use the "eye contact" method of handing a knife to someone else.
    Do not release the knife until the other person makes eye contact with you
    and acknowledges he is receiving the knife.
  • Never use a knife on something that will dull or break it.
  • Never throw a knife for any reason.
  • Always think before you cut.

The Pocketknife Pledge:

In return for the privilege of carrying a pocketknife to designated Cub Scout functions, I agree to the following:

  • I understand the reason for safety rules.
  • I will treat my pocketknife with the respect due a useful tool.
  • I will always close my pocketknife and put it away when I am not using it not in use.
  • I will not use my pocketknife when it might injure someone near me.
  • I promise never to throw my pocketknife for any reason.
  • I will use my pocketknife in a safe manner at all times.

Primary Sources: Lion Den Leader Guide (#39003 - SKU 644816), Cub Scout Tiger Handbook (#325523 - SKU 646427)
Cub Scout Wolf Handbook (#34752 - SKU 646428), Cub Scout Bear Handbook (#34753 - SKU 646429), Cub Scout Webelos Handbook (#34754 - SKU 646430)

This analysis was prepared as a service to Scouts and Scouters nationwide
Paul S. Wolf, Secretary
US Scouting Service Project, Inc.

This document is a product of the U.S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. (USSSP). It may be reproduced by or for Scouting volunteers and used locally for training purposes consistent with the programs of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) or other Scouting and Guiding Organizations. However, it may not be used or reproduced for electronic redistribution or for commercial or other non-Scouting purposes without the express permission of the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. (USSSP) or other copyright holders. The USSSP is not affiliated with BSA or WOSM and does not speak on behalf of BSA or WOSM. Opinions expressed in this document are those of the web authors.

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Page updated on: January 18, 2019

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