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Baloo's Bugle

October 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 3
November 2007 Theme

Theme: Indian Nations
Webelos: Craftsman & Readyman
Tiger Cub
Requirement 5


Native Americans Opening Ceremony

Baltimore Area Council

Arrangement: Four boys in traditional Native American clothing, carrying artificial torches; artificial campfire, which can be lit by an electrical on/off switch (the artificial torches could be a simple as flashlights with orange or red bandanas tied over the light)

Cubmaster (dressed as Native American Chief): Let the North Wind enter

Cub 1 (enters with torch and goes to campfire): The North Wind, that brings the cold, builds endurance

Cubmaster: Let the South Wind enter

Cub 2 (enters with torch and goes to campfire): The South Wind brings the warmth of friendship

Cubmaster: Let the East Wind enter

Cub 3 (enters with torch and goes to campfire): The East Wind brings the light of day

Cubmaster: Let the West Wind enter

Cub 4 (enters with torch and goes to campfire): The West Wind brings night and stars

Cubmaster: The four winds will light our council fire.

(All four boys touch their torches to the fire at the same time. At that moment, the switch is turned on, lighting the bulb in the artificial campfire.)

Indian Flag Opening

Baltimore Area Council

Personnel: 6 Cubs

Equipment: Artificial campfire, tom-toms, rattle for Medicine Man and a small American flag

Setting: Three Indian braves and a Medicine Man are seated around a campfire. An Indian chief is standing, a Cub Scout in uniform is off stage.

Indian Chief: (Raising arms toward the sky) Oh Great Father in the sky, listen to your people.

First Brave: (Raising arms toward the sky) We thank you, Great Father, for the light of the sun each new day.

Second Brave: (Raising arms toward the sky) We thank you for the beauty of the world and the plants and animals we enjoy.

Third Brave: (Raising arms toward the sky) We thank you for the night and the rest it brings.

Indian Chief: O Great Father of all Cub Scouts, bless us and be with us today.

Medicine Man: (Jumps up, shakes rattle, and as tom-tom beats, shouts) Rise up all you braves, Rise up all our white brothers (Indians and audience stand) We honor the great flag of our white brothers.

Cub Scout: (Enters carrying American flag which he presents to the Indian chief) This is the most beautiful flag in the world. It stands for freedom, liberty, and happiness. Take it, honor it, respect it, and love it always, for it is yours and mine. (Leads Pledge of Allegiance)

The Story of Cub Scout Colors

Baltimore Area Council



Setting: Akela and two Indian braves are near an artificial campfire, which has a tripod and pot suspended over it.  Hanging on the tripod is a pot in which a small can with dry ice has been concealed.  A Cub Scout neckerchief is in the pot.  Liquids poured on the dry ice will make it smoke.

Narrator: Many, many moons ago, the Great Chief Akela called a council to see what could be done to make the tribe the best of all tribes.  He told the first Indian to climb the mountain and tell the great eagle to fly high into the sky and bring back part of the beauty of the sun.

(One brave leaves the stage.)

He told the second brave to go into the forest and tell the sparrow fly high into the sky and bring back part of the beauty of the sky.

(Second brave leaves the stage.  They both return – one with a bottle of blue water, one with gold [yellow] water.  They hold up the bottles to show everyone.)

Akela told the brave to pour some of the beauty of the sun into the council mixing pot.

(The brave does so, causing smoke.)

Akela then told the other brave to pour some of the beauty of the sky into the council mixing pot.

(He does so, causing smoke.
The boy playing Akela raises his hands.)

Akela said from that day forward, blue would stand for truth and loyalty. Gold would stand for warm sunlight, happiness, and good cheer.

(Akela reaches into the pot and
pulls out a Cub Scout neckerchief and holds it up.)

And that is why the Cub Scout uses the colors blue and gold.

Note on Opening Ceremonies by Alice:  Among the Native Americans, games were more than just fun – they were competitions to gain stature, displays of strength and will, and practice for skills that were essential to obtain food.  So many of the Opening Ceremonies used were actually meant to open a game – they were rituals with specific custom and actions.

Indian Council Opening

Alice, Golden Empire Council


Drum, real or artificial campfire,

A person representing the Shaman or Medicine Man, with a rattle and a “peace pipe” (optional)

Cub Scouts, in some type of Indian dress, enter and seat themselves around the unlit campfire, as the drum beats slowly. 

Medicine Man: Comes forward and says….
I know not if the voice of man can reach the sky;  I know not if the Mighty One will hear us pray;  I know not if the gifts I ask will all be granted;   I know not if the word of the old one has been received;  I know not what will come to pass in the days to be;  I hope that only good will come, my children, to you.

(Fire is lit or turned on)

Medicine Man:  Now I know that the voice of man can reach into heaven;  Now I know that the Mighty One has heard me when I prayed;  Now I know that we have heard the word of the Old One;  Now I know that good will come, my children to you.

(If Peace Pipe is used,
he hands it to the Cubmaster, then moves away)

Cubmaster:  (holding Peace Pipe aloft – or simply raising both arms)

I offer thanks to the Mighty One, for all good comes from above;  I offer thanks for the Earth, the bearer of  all good gifts;  I offer thanks for the West Wind, who dwells where the Sun falls and Thunder begins;  I offer thanks for the North Wind, which brings cold and snow to blanket the earth;  I offer thanks for the East Wind, which brings us the Sun anew each day;  I offer thanks for the South Wind, which brings the sunshine out in full to warm the earth and let the tribe live. 

And now we have shown our gratitude, this Council meeting is open.  Let us begin by honoring the flag of our country…..

There is a very patriotic Indian theme based opening, “Our Land Deserves Respect” in CS Program Helps, pg. 2 NOV 07  Alice


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