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May 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue
Volume 14, Issue 10
June 2008 Theme |
Theme: Go For The Gold
Traveler & Handyman
Tiger Cub Activities
Sam Houston Area Council
Hold a fun mini-Olympics. This can involve many of the usual Olympic sports with enjoyable twists added to them.
Examples of sport events might include
Water Balloon Shot Put,
100-foot Crab- Walk Dash,
Low Jump (under a pole without knocking it from its holder),
Balloon Javelin Throw,
50-foot 3-Legged (Potato Sack) Hurdles,
25-Yard One-Footed Relay, etc.
Make sure to have Olympic Gold/Silver/Bronze “medals” for all of the participants and the winners.
Sam Houston Area Council
- Players line up in relay formation.
- The leader of each team holds a Ping-Pong ball balanced on top of a roll of newspaper.
- On signal, he runs to goal line and back to his team,
- He passes the torch on to the second player.
- The second player repeats the course
- If the ball drops, the runner must return to starting line.
Sam Houston Area Council
Equipment: 5 hula hoops (You might want to try and get them in the five official Olympic colors.)
Team members hold hands.
Pass five hula hoops from the first boy to the last without breaking the hand holds.
Sam Houston Area Council
- As many empty 2 liter soda bottles that you want for bowling pins,
- Water,
- Ball,
- Chalk or masking tape
When playing outside, mark off the spots for the bottles with chalk. That will make it easier for Cub Scouts who are going to set up the pins.
For inside bowling you can make small Xs with the masking tape on the floor to mark where the bowling pins go.
Fill the bottoms of the bottles with a small amount of water.
Set up as many lanes as you like...
Grab some balls and have fun setting up and knocking the pins down.
Sam Houston Area Council
Materials: 8 foot rope
Two contestants squat in a full knee bend, each holding one end of the rope with both hands.
On signal, they try to cause each other to fall over by pulling.
Sam Houston Area Council
Materials: Croquet tickets and balls
- Set up ten croquet wickets side by side far enough apart for a ball to go between them easily.
- The wickets are numbered from left to right, 1 to 10. You don’t need to actually number the wickets.
- Mark out a bowling line parallel to the wickets at least 15 feet away from the wickets.
- Each player bowls one ball each turn, attempting to put it through each wicket in order.
- The first wicket must be made before the second and so on.
- The first player to complete the sequence of wickets wins, or the one to do so in the least amount of rolls wins.
Three Step
Great Salt Lake Council
Group Size: 5 or more.
Equipment: A large enclosed area, and 3 soft balls (Nerf® or foam balls work best).
Goal: To eliminate all the other players, by hitting them below the waist with the balls.
- When someone is hit they must immediately sit down where they are and cannot move from that spot.
- However, if a ball comes where they can catch it, they attempt to hit one of the players who are still standing, if that person is hit (below the waist). The player standing sits and the one who was down gets up again.
- The last person left standing is the winner.
General rules:
- No more than three steps may be taken while holding a ball.
- If someone is hit in the head, that person is up while the person throwing the ball must sit immediately.
- If the balls are being held, the game leader may loudly count to 5. If a ball is not active during that time, all those who are standing must sit immediately and those who were sitting stand and begin playing again.
Sam Houston Area Council
Three people per team.
The end two players on each team face backwards while the middle player faces the forward, locking elbows.
On “go”, each three person team
- Runs to a turn line,
- Swings around and runs back to start line.
The first team finishing that’s still together wins.
Sam Houston Area Council
Pair off players and have them stand about five feet apart. Give each player a rubber ball, an orange, or an aluminum pie plate (or other objects).
They toss their balls simultaneously.
If both boys make the catch, each boy steps back one step and throws again.
If one boy misses a catch, a point is scored against him, provided the throw was catchable.
The players continue throwing, catching and stepping back until one has five points against him.
Sam Houston Area Council
- This is a circle ball-passing game. It’s played with two teams of equal size arranged in rings.
- Each team’s goal is to move the ball around the ring five times.
- Adding difficult passing methods and stunts makes the game more challenging and allows the leader to adjust the difficulty to the level of the players.
- The boys will learn a bit about teamwork and cooperation as well as passing and catching skills.
- Each team should choose a captain and then form a circle ranging from 3 to 6 feet depending on the skills of the players.
- Each captain holds a playground ball.
- At the signal the game begins with each captain throwing the ball to the player on his right.
- Players continue to pass the ball to the right as quickly as possible.
- When the ball has made a full trip around the circle and is back with the captain, he shouts, “One!” and keeps on passing the ball.
- The captains count each round. If the ball is dropped, it is returned to the captain and the round starts over.
- Players who have basic throwing and catching skills down pat may want to add a bit of variety to the game by passing the ball a special way.
- Passing between the legs, behind the back, or with a single bounce are a few ways to spice things up.
- The first team to finish five rounds is the winner.
- When the ball finishes the fifth circuit, the captain holds it high over his head and yells “Five!”
Utah National Parks Council
Materials: Balloons, chairs
- Divide the group in half.

- Sit the players down in a pattern as shown, placing them very close together.
- Make the pattern as large as needed for group.
- The 'X's try to move the balloon to the 'O's end zone by batting it in the air.
- The 'O's try to move it the other direction.
- Players must remain seated.
Utah National Parks Council
Set up a golf course around a yard or field using empty trash cans, traffic cones, boxes and other targets.
Just as in real golf, players must try to kick the ball to each hole in the lowest number of shots.
Utah National Parks Council
- Place an empty bucket in the center of the room.
- Each boy gets five tries to bounce the ball into the bucket from a spot six feet away.
- Ball must stay in the bucket.
- Repeat if time allows.
Utah National Parks Council
Practice jump roping first.
Relay –
- Use one rope for each team.
- Run and jump down to a line and back,
- Hand the rope to next player.
- Jump backward;
- Run to line, jump 10 times and then run back;
- See how long you can jump;
- Jump 2 boys in rope at the same time.
Utah National Parks Council
Materials: Two heavy cardboard, cut out footprints 15" long and 8" wide. per person or team.

Two ways to play
- As a physical skill (let's see if you can do it)
- As a competition (2 or 3 teams as a relay race at a set distance).
- Place both footprints one in front of the other.
- Step on the first with one foot and on the second with the other foot.
- Now lift rear foot.
- Pick up rear footprint and move it ahead.
- Move lifted foot into new position.
- Do the same with the other foot and continue,
- Continue step by step, to the finish line.
Utah National Parks Council
Line up the dens for a relay race.
Have the contestants carry an egg in a teaspoon held
with the arm extended.
The first in each line runs 20 yards (or whatever distance you set) and back to the next one in line.
Then passes the spoon and egg off to the next
Suggestion – Hard Boil the Eggs!! CD
Utah National Parks Council
Cut a plastic berry basket in half.
Invert one half and set it at one end of a table.
Cubs can line up at the opposite end and try to score by flicking button pucks into the net.
Or use both halves on opposite sides of table and have a game. Get something light that the boys can move by blowing on it (ping pong ball??) and have a game to see who can score the most in a given time.
A Kim’s Game
Utah National Parks Council
- Fill a pillowcase with assorted sports items (golf ball, tennis ball, Frisbee, tennis racket, baseball glove, etc.).
- Using a timer, allow each person 15 seconds to reach inside and feel what is in the pillowcase.
- Each person then writes down as many of the items that he can identify and remember.
- Remind players to be specific, don't just write "ball," but write "golf ball" or "basketball." ]
- Suggest they not share their findings with other players.
- The person with the most right wins a small prize.
Or play like a traditional Kim’s Game.
- Have 10 to 15 sports items in a on the floor or in a box lid.
- Cover the items with a blanket
- Have the bys gather around
- Uncover the items for a minute +/-
- Then recover the items
- Give the boys a minute to write down what they remember seeing.
- Tell them to be specific (see above)
- Then uncover and review answers
Utah National Parks Council
Make 12 sets of sports cards using thewords listed below. Write each word on adifferent color of paper, then cut out eachletter. Mix up the letters to a word, thenplace them in a baggie. Divide the boysinto small groups, and give each group asports card baggie. On a signal, eachgroup is to open their baggie andunscramble the letters to reveal what thesport is. All members of the group shoutout the name of the sport (or, ask eachteam to be silent until they have spelled outtheir word). The winning group gets asmall prize.
Badminton Bowling Cricket
Volleyball Table Tennis Swimming
Softball Gymnastics Track and Field
Rugby Baseball Hockey
- Make two sets of cards.
- Give each group the same word and
- See who can unscramble it first.
- Give points for the correct answer and
- Award a small prize to the group with the most points.
Utah National Parks Council
Line the boys up side by side
Start a hula hoop or inflated inner tube (Do they make these any more??) rolling along in front of the boys
Have the contestants throw beanbags, small rubber balls, or almost anything small and soft matter, through the rolling hoop.
Avoid using items that may accidentally hurt someone with an errant throw.
Utah National Parks Council
Have the relay runners roll lemons or hard-boiled eggs with a stick down the course and back
Then they pass off the stick(s) to the next player in line.
Jump The Creek
Grand Teton Council
- Each boy does his best and tries to improve his last jump Two ropes are laid parallel and close together.
- One at a time, the boys jump across the 'creek'
- After all have jumped, the distance between the ropes is increased slightly.
- The boys must not step in the creek (between the ropes) or on the water edge (the ropes) or they are eaten by sharks and must leave the game.
Chinese Wrestling
Grand Teton Council
- Divide players into pairs and match them two at a time.
- Each wrestler stands on one leg (his left), the other leg
- being stretched forward, and folds his arms across his chest.
- Each wrestler hops forward and tries to unbalance his opponent with his right leg.
- No kicking or charging is allowed, and one player is declared winner if he forces the other to touch his right foot to the ground.
- The game should be played on a grassy lawn or soft ground.
Potato Wheel-barrow Race
Grand Teton Council
- Organize a wheel-barrow race with a team of two children--one on the floor walking on hands and the other holding up his/her feet
- Put a potato on the back of each 'wheel barrow'.
- Listen to the shrieks of glee!
- If the spud falls off, the team returns to the starting line.
Strong Man Balance
Grand Teton Council
- Get two Cubs of comparable size to stand on a short box or other sturdy balancing object.
- Lay a long length of rope between the two stands leaving extra rope coiled for the Cubs to grab.
- The Cubs stand on the platforms and each holds onto the rope.
- The object is to get the other cub to lose his balance and step off the platform.
- This shows a combination of strength, skill and strategy.
Tissue Sprint
Baltimore Area Council
Equipment: tissues
On a signal, racers throw an unfolded tissue out ahead of them, go to it, pick it up, and repeat until they have reached the finish line. A tissue may not be caught or touched after it is thrown before it hits the ground. If it is, the player must take two giant steps backwards. No one can more forward while holding the tissue or by letting it blow up against their body or clothing.
Bounce, Toss And Jump
Baltimore Area Council
Equipment: ball, beanbag, and jump rope for each team.
Divide the group into two teams. For each team, lay a ball, a beanbag, and a jump rope behind a turning line. The first player on the team runs to the turning line, bounces the ball 10 times, tosses the beanbag in the air 10 times, and jumps rope 10 times. He returns and tags the next player. Play continues until all members of the team have had a turn.
Pebble Stretch
Baltimore Area Council
Materials: One pebble or small object per player. A line placed on the ground (use a stick, or place string from left to right.)
Player puts toes to line, stoops forward with one hand on the ground and places a pebble as far out as possible. He then springs back to a standing position without shifting the hand on the ground, moving feet across the line, or touching the ground with his knees. The furthest placed pebble is the winner.
Athlete Training Course
Baltimore Area Council
Every athlete needs to be in top physical shape, and this course will give Cub Scouts a workout. Set up an obstacle course using items you already have around the house: chairs, tires, jump ropes. The teams will race the clock to go through the course.
The Pancake Toss
Capitol Area Council
Take several old ping pong paddles or make paddles out of scraps of wood.
The first boy on each team takes a paddle and flips a leather (or thin plywood) pancake to a finish line and back.
The next boy takes the paddle and does the same till everyone has had his turn.
First team finished wins.
Alternate #1 –
Have at rope at opposite strung at an appropriate height at opposite end of course from relay lines.
Have participants flip the pancake over the rope and catch it
Pancake must land with opposite side up
Then they return and send next player.
Pie Plate Contest
Capitol Area Council
One boy tries to balance a pie plate on his head while another attempts to place three marbles in it. No hands allowed!
Marshmallow Eating Contest
Capitol Area Council
Tie marshmallow on long string. Hang the end of the string so that marshmallow is slightly swinging in the air. Cub Scout puts hands behind back and tries to eat the marshmallow. To add a twist, Try having the parent hold the marshmallow or pair the boys up and have one eat the marshmallow while the other holds it. After all of the boys have eaten their marshmallow, switch! The boy who ate the marshmallow now holds the string and the other tries to eat it. If you use adults, have them get down on their knees while trying to eat the marshmallow.
Jigsaw Puzzle Relay
Capitol Area Council
Using a jigsaw puzzle with large pieces, have a puzzle race.
Watch the Birdie
Capitol Area Council
The object of this game is to allow the boys the opportunity to pretend they are birds, trying to hide from the bird watcher. The boys walk a given distance down a trail, while the leader explains the rules. Each player is given time to hide along the trail. They may go no more than 15 feet from either side of the trail, and may use anything in the natural environment to provide camouflage. The leader waits about five minutes until all players are hidden. The leader walks the trail ONLY ONCE, and tries to find as many boys as possible. After the walk, the leader calls out and watches to see where all the successful birds hid. This game can be repeated many times, with different boys taking the role of the searcher.
Fox and Chickens
Capitol Area Council
Line up the group in single file. Each Cub Scout holds the waist of the player in front of him. The boy at the head of the line is the Mother Hen and the rest are the Chicks. Another Cub Scout - the Fox - stands in front of the line. On signal, the Fox starts around the line, trying to catch the last Cub. The Mother Hen flaps her wings and follows the Fox to prevent him from catching the Chicks. The others keep in line with the leader and turn away from the Fox. If the last Chick is caught, he falls behind the Fox and the game continues until all Chicks are caught.
Sam Houston Area Council
Equipment: 4 square ball or beach ball
- To play have one Cub Scout, the thrower, stand away from the rest of the group of 4 or 5 catchers.
- He turns his back and lobs the ball over his head while the other players attempt to catch the ball.
- Points could be awarded to the catcher and these could be assigned by the thrower, who could yell out the point value when he throws the ball over his head.
Sam Houston Area Council
With his toes on the line, a boy puts one hand on the ground and places a pebble as far out as he can.
Then he tries to return to a standing position without shifting the hand on the ground, by springing back up.
Knees must not touch the ground at any time.
The winner is the player who puts the pebble farthest and springs back up according to the rules.
Sam Houston Area Council
Teams try to pop as many balloons as they can without using hands.
- Teams must pop a predetermined number of balloons by sitting on them.
- Boys must make an invention that pops the balloons.
Sam Houston Area Council
Boys take turns seeing who can throw a baseball the farthest. Boys could be broken up into groups by rank.
Sam Houston Area Council
- Teams line up with members standing side-by-side, separated by the distance obtained when players stretch their arms sideways. Fingertips should touch between players.
- The first player in line takes and inflated balloon, and bats it towards the second person in line, who bats it to the third person, on down the line and back again.
- The only rule is this: once the players have taken their stance, they may not move their feet.
- If a balloon falls to the floor, or if someone moves his feet in an attempt to reach the balloon, the first person in line must run and get the balloon, and take it back to the starting line to begin again.
Sam Houston Area Council

From the Cub Scout Leader How-To Book
-Various Relays - pages 3-24 to 3-27
-Cub Scout Field Day - pages 6-15 to 6-17