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These were the REQUIREMENTS before the REVISIONS
which were made when a new pamphlet was issued in 2002.

To see the current requirements Click Here

Requirement Number 4 in the Merit Badge Pamphlet is numbered differently
than in the Requirements Book.

In the Pamphlet, each field is identified by letters (a,b,c, etc.)
and the activities are numbered (1,2,3, etc.).

In the requirements Book, the fields are NOT identified by numbers or letters,
and the activities are identified by lower case letters (a,b,c, etc.).

We have shown BOTH numbering systems below. Colored Bold Italic text
designates the numbering system used in the Merit Badge Pamphlet.

  1. Name three ways in which plants are important to animals.
  2. Name three ways in which animals are important to plants.
  3. Explain the term "food chain." Give an example of a four-step land food chain and a four-step water food chain.
  4. Do all the requirements in FIVE of the following fields:

    (a) BIRDS

    1. (1) In the field, identify eight species of birds.
    2. (2) Make and set out a birdhouse; OR a feeding station; OR a birdbath. List what birds used it during 1 month.

    (b) MAMMALS

    1. (1) In the field, identify three species of wild mammals.
    2. (2) Make plaster casts of the tracks of a wild mammal.


    1. (1) Show that you can recognize the poisonous snakes in your area. Identify in the field three species of reptiles or amphibians.
    2. (2) Recognize one species of toad or frog by voice;
      OR identify one reptile or amphibian by eggs, den, burrow or other signs.


    1. (1) Collect, mount, and label 10 species of insects or spiders.
    2. (2) Hatch an insect from the pupa or cocoon;
      OR hatch adults from nymphs;
      OR keep larvae until they form pupae or cocoons;
      OR keep a colony of ants or bees through one season.

    (e) FISH

    1. (1) Catch and identify two species of fish.
    2. (2) Collect four kinds of animal food eaten by fish in the wild.


    1. (1) Identify five species of mollusks and crustaceans.
    2. (2) Collect, mount, and label six shells.

    (g) PLANTS

    1. (1) In the field, identify 15 species of wild plants.
    2. (2) Collect and label seeds of six plants;
      OR the leaves of 12 plants.


    1. (1) Collect and identify soils found in different layers of a soil profile.
    2. (2) Collect and identify five different types of rocks from your area..
  5. Do ONE of the following:
    1. Raise tadpoles from eggs;
      OR raise adults from tadpoles;
      OR keep and adult reptile so it stays healthy for 1 month.
    2. Develop a simple aquarium with fish and plant life. Keep it so that they stay healthy for 1 month.
    3. Develop an aquarium. Keep in it two species of mollusks or crustaceans so that they stay healthy for 1 month.
    4. Build a terrarium with three species of plants. Keep it so the plants stay healthy for 1 month.
    5. Grow seeds for 1 month in two kinds of soil. Describe difference in rate of growth.

Under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, some plants and animals are or may be protected by federal law. The same ones or others may be protected by state law. Be sure that you do not collect protected species.

BSA Advancement ID#: 78
Pamphlet Revision Date: 2003
Requirements last updated prior to 1982

Page updated on: May 08, 2022

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