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REQUIREMENTS were REVISED Effective January 1, 2006

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  1. Prepare a field notebook, make a collection, and identify 15 species of trees, wild shrubs, or vines in a local forested area. Include a written description of: Write a description in which you identify and discuss the following:
    1. Identifying characteristics of leaf, twig, and fruit samples.
      The characteristics of leaf, twig, cone, or fruiting bodies
    2. The habitat in which these trees, or shrubs or vines are found.
    3. The important ways each tree, shrub, or vine is used by humans or wildlife and whether the species is native or was introduced to the area. If it is not native, explain whether it is considered invasive or potentially invasive.
      Chief ways each tree or shrub is used by human and wildlife.
      d. The forest's successional stage, what its history has been, and what its future is.
  2. Do ONE of the following:
    1. Collect and identify wood samples of 10 species of trees. List several ways the wood of each species of wood can be used.
    2. Find and examine several stumps or logs three stumps, logs, or core samples that show variations in the growth rate of their ring patterns. In the field notebook you prepared for requirement 1, describe the location or origin of each example (including elevation, aspect, slope, and the position on the slope), and discuss possible reasons for the variations in growth rate. Photograph or sketch each example. Prepare a field notebook describing their location and discuss possible reasons for the variations.
    3. Find and examine two types of animal, insect, or damage on trees. In the field notebook you prepared for requirement 1, identify the damage, explain how the damage was caused, and describe the effects of the damage on the trees. Photograph or sketch each example.
  3. Be able to do Do the following:
    1. Describe contributions forests make to:
      1. Our economy in the form of products.
      2. Our social well-being, including recreation
      3. 2. Soil protection and increased fertility.
      4. 3. Clean water.
      5. 4. Clean air. (carbon cycling, sequestration)
      6. 5. Wildlife habitat
      7. 6. Recreation Fisheries habitat
      8. Threatened and endangered species of plants and animals
    2. Tell which watershed or other source your community relies on for its water supply.
  4. Be able to describe Describe what forest management means, including the following:
    1. Multiple-use management
    2. Sustainable forest management
    3. b. Even-aged and uneven-aged management and silvicultural systems associated with each type.
    4. c. Intermediate cuttings.
    5. d. How  The role of prescribed burning and related forest management practices are used.
  5. With your parent's and counselor's approval, do Do ONE of the following:
    1. Visit a managed public or private forest area with its manager or someone a forester familiar with it. Write a brief report describing the type of forest, the management objectives, and the forestry techniques used to achieve the objectives.
      • The type of forest
      • The management objectives
      • The forestry techniques used to achieve the objectives.
    2. Take a trip to a logging operation or wood-using industrial plant and write a brief report describing:
      1. The species and size of trees being harvested or used and the location of the harvest area or manufacturer.
      2. The origin of the forest or stands of trees being utilized (e.g., planted or natural)
      3. The forest's successional stage. What is its future?
      4. Where the trees are coming from (land ownership) or where they are going (type of mill or processing plant)
        2. Where the trees are going to or coming from.
      5. The products that are made from the trees
        . What products are made from the trees or at the plant.
      6. 4. How the products are made and used.
      7. 5. How the products are used.
        How waste materials from the logging operation or manufacturing plant are disposed of or utilized.
    3. Take part in a forest-fire prevention campaign in cooperation with your local fire warden, state wildfire agency, forester, or counselor. Write a brief report describing the campaign, how it will help prevent wildfires, and your part in it.
  6. Be able to do Do the following:
    1. Describe the consequences to forests that result from FIVE of the following elements: wildfire, absence of fire, insects, tree diseases, air pollution, overgrazing, deer or other wildlife overpopulation, improper harvest, and urbanization.
      Describe the damages to forests that result from:
      • Wildfire.
      • Insects.
      • Tree disease.
      • Overgrazing.
      • Improper harvest
    2. Explain what can be done to reduce the consequences you discussed in 6a.
      Tell what can be done to reduce these damages.
    3. Tell Describe what you should do if you discover a forest fire and how to control it a professional firefighting crew might control it. Name your state or local wildfire control agency.
  7. Visit one or more local foresters and write a brief report about the person (or persons). Or, write about a forester's occupation including the education, qualifications, career opportunities, and duties related to forestry.
    Do ONE of the following:
    1. Assist in carrying out a project that meets one or more of these objectives: timber stand improvement, watershed improvement, wildlife habitat improvement, recreation are improvement or range improvement.
    2. Take a part in a forest fire prevention campaign in cooperation with your local fire warden, forester, or counselor.
    3. Visit with one or more local foresters and write a brief report including education, qualifications, career opportunities, and objectives relating to forestry.

BSA Advancement ID#: 54
Pamphlet Revision Date: 2005
Requirements last updated in 2006

Page updated on: November 18, 2021

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