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Genealogy Merit Badge Pamphlet   Genealogy Merit Badge  


Requirements were REVISED effective January 1, 2023 and January 1, 2024.

To see the changes which were made in 2023, Click here.

For the previous requirements, Click here.

Note: This merit badge has been changed to allow a Scout's guardian to approve or permit some activities
such as use of the internet or meetings with individuals that are not registered members of BSA.
In each case parent's has been replaced by parent or guardian's

  1. Do EACH of the following:
    1. Explain to your counselor what the words genealogy, ancestor, and descendant mean.
    2. Explain what a family tree is and what information would be kept there.
    3. Explain what a family group record is and what information would be kept there.
  2. Do ONE of the following:
    1. Do a time line for yourself or for a relative. Then write a short biography based on that time line.
    2. Keep a journal for 6 weeks. You must write in it at least once a week.
  3. With your parent's parent or guardian's help, choose a relative or a family acquaintance you can interview in person, by telephone, or by e-mail or letter. Record the information you collect so you do not forget it.
  4. Do EACH of the following:
    1. Name three types of physical genealogical resources Name three types of digital genealogical resources and where you can find them, and explain how these resources can help you chart your family tree. and explain how these resources can help you chart your family tree.
    2. Name three types of digital genealogical resources and where you can find them, and explain how these resources can help you chart your family tree.
    3. Obtain at least one genealogical document that supports an event that is or can be recorded on your pedigree chart or family group record.
    4. Tell how you found it and how you would evaluate the genealogical information you found for requirement 4c.
    5. Tell a likely place to find these type of genealogical records: marriage record, census record, birth record, and burial information.
  5. Contact ONE of the following individuals or institutions. Ask what genealogical services, records, or activities this individual or institution provides, and report the results:
    1. A genealogical or lineage society
    2. A professional genealogist (someone who gets paid for doing genealogical research)
    3. A surname organization, such as your family's organization
    4. A genealogical education facility or institution.
    5. A genealogical record repository of any type (courthouse, genealogical library, state or national archive, state library, etc.)
  6. Begin your family tree by listing yourself and include at least two additional generations. You may complete this requirement by using the chart provided in the Genealogy merit badge pamphlet or the genealogy software program of your choice.
  7. Complete a family group record form, listing yourself and your brothers and sisters as the children. On another family group record form, show one of your parents and his or her brothers and sisters as the children. This requirement may be completed using the chart provided or the genealogy software program of your choice.
  8. Do the following:
    1. Explain the effect computers and the Internet are having on the world
      of genealogy.
    2. Explain how photography (including microfilming) has influenced genealogy.
    3. Explain how record indexing works and how that has influenced genealogy.
  9. Discuss what you have learned about your family and your family members through your genealogical research.
Pedigree Chart for use in working on these requirements: Word Format PDF Format
Family Group Record Sheet for use in working on these requirements: Word Format PDF Format
(The Pedigree Chart and Family Group Record Sheet are already included in the worksheets below.)

BSA Advancement ID#: 56
Scoutbook ID#: 57
Requirements last updated in: 2023
Pamphlet Publication Number: 35903
Pamphlet Stock (SKU) Number: 655706
E-Book Stock (SKU) Number: 656031
Pamphlet Copyright Date:  

Worksheets for use in working on these requirements: Format
Word Format PDF Format

Blanks in this worksheets table appear when we do not have a worksheet for the badge that includes these requirements.

Page updated on: November 24, 2023

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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