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Scholarship Merit Badge Pamphlet Scholarship Merit Badge


Requirements were REVISED effective January 1, 2017 and January 1, 2024.

To see the changes which were made in 2017, Click here.

For the previous requirements, Click here.

Note: This merit badge has been changed to allow a Scout's guardian to approve or permit some activities
such as use of the internet or meetings with individuals that are not registered members of BSA.
In each case parent's has been replaced by parent or guardian's

  1. Do ONE of the following:
    1. Show that your school grades have been an average of B or higher (80 percent or higher) for one term or semester.
    2. Show that for one term or semester you have improved your school grades over the previous period.
  2. Do TWO of the following:
    1. Make a list of educational places located where you live (other than schools). Visit one, and report on how you used the place for self-education.
    2. With your counselor's and your parent's parent or guardian's approval, interview two professionals (other than teachers or other professionals at your school) with established careers. Find out where they were educated, what training they received, and how their education and training have helped prepare them for the career they have chosen. Find out how they continue to educate themselves. Discuss what you find out with your counselor.
    3. Using a daily planner, show your counselor how you keep track of assignments and activities, and discuss how you manage your time.
    4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods of research available to you for school assignments, such as the library, books and periodicals, and the Internet.
  3. Get a note from the principal* of your school (or another school official named by the principal) that states that during the past year your behavior, leadership, and service have been satisfactory.
  4. Do ONE of the following:
    1. Show that you have taken part in an extracurricular school activity, and discuss with your counselor the benefits of participation and what you learned about the importance of teamwork.
    2. Discuss your participation in a school project during the past semester where you were a part of a team. Tell about the positive contributions you made to the team and the project.
  5. Do ONE of the following:
    1. Write a report of 250 to 300 words about how the education you receive in school will be of value to you in the future and how you will continue to educate yourself in the future.
    2. Write a report of 250 to 300 words about two careers that interest you and how specific classes and good scholarship in general will help you achieve your career goals.

* If you are home-schooled or your school environment does not include a principal, you may obtain a note from a counterpart such as your parent.

BSA Advancement ID#: 100
Scoutbook ID#: 104
Requirements last updated in: 2017
Pamphlet Publication Number: 35946
Pamphlet Stock (SKU) Number: 619601
Pamphlet Revision Date: 2014

Worksheets for use in working on these requirements: Format
Word Format PDF Format

Blanks in this worksheets table appear when we do not have a worksheet for the badge that includes these requirements.

Page updated on: January 11, 2024

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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