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Motorboating Merit Badge Pamphlet Motorboating Merit Badge


These were the requirements from 2019 until the revisions made in 2021

To see the changes made in 2019, Click here

To see the CURRENT requirements, Click here.

For the previous requirements, Click here

  1. Do the following:
    1. Explain to your counselor the most likely hazards you may encounter while motorboating, and what you should do to anticipate, help prevent, mitigate, and respond to these hazards.
    2. Explain first aid for injuries or illnesses that could occur while motorboating, including hypothermia, heat reactions, dehydration, motion sickness, bugbites, and blisters.
    3. Identify the conditions that must exist before performing CPR on a person, and explain how such conditions are recognized. Demonstrate proper technique for performing CPR using a training device approved by your counselor.
  2. Do the following:
    1. Before doing requirements 3 through 6, successfully complete the BSA swimmer test.
    2. Name the different types of personal floatation devices (PFDs), and explain when each type should be used. Show how to choose and properly fit a PFD.
  3. Do the following:
    1. Explain inboard, outboard, and inboard/outboard motors and the uses and advantages of each. Discuss the special features of a bass boat and a ski boat.
    2. Explain the safety procedures and precautions involving handling fuel and engine servicing, and equipment storage and placement.
    3. Explain how to winterize a boat motor and tell why this procedure is necessary.
    4. Explain the safety procedures and precautions involving swimmers and skiers in the water, passenger positions underway, and boat wakes.
  4. Show you know safety laws for motorboating by doing the following:
    1. Have a permit to run a motorboat, if needed.
    2. Explain the rules or laws that apply to recreational boating in your area or state.
    3. Discuss how the hazards of weather and heavy water conditions can affect both safety and performance in motorboating.
    4. Promise that you will follow BSA Safety Afloat guidelines. Explain the meaning of each point.
    5. Discuss with your counselor the nautical rules of the road and describe the national and your state's aids to navigation.
    6. Explain and show the correct use of equipment required by both state and federal regulations to be carried aboard a motorboat.
    7. Explain federal and state rules for a ventilation system, and tell why these rules are required.
    8. Explain the use of lights (sight signals) and sound signals on motorboats.
    9. Discuss the common types of anchors used in motorboating and under what conditions each would be preferred. Explain proper anchoring techniques.
  5. With your counselor or other adults on board, demonstrate proper boat-handling procedures and skills by doing the following:
    1. Board and assist others in boarding
    2. Fuel the boat and complete a safety check.
    3. Get under way from dockside or from a beach launch.
    4. Run a course for at least a mile, showing procedures for overtaking and passing slower craft, yielding right-of-way, passing oncoming traffic, making turns, reversing direction, and using navigation aids.
    5. Stop and secure the boat in position on the open water using anchors.Raise and stow the anchor and get underway.
    6. Land or dock the boat, disembark, and assist others in doing the same.
    7. Moor, dock, or beach the boat and secure all gear.


BSA Advancement ID#: 76
Requirements last updated in: 2019
Pamphlet Stock Number: 35920
Pamphlet SKU Number: 618651
Pamphlet Revision Date: 2016

Worksheets for use in working on these requirements: Format
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Blanks in this worksheets table appear when we do not have a worksheet for the badge that includes these requirements.

Page updated on: May 08, 2022

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