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This Merit Badge was formerly named INSECT LIFE.
The name was changed in 1987.

These were the REQUIREMENTS before the REVISIONS made on January 1, 2003.

To see the current requirements Click Here

  1. Tell how insects are different from all other animals. Show the differences among insects, centipedes, and spiders.
  2. Point out and name the main parts of an insect.
  3. Collect and mount 50 different species.* Include six orders and 18 families of insects. Label each with common and scientific names where possible.
  4. Describe the things that distinguish each of the families and orders in your collection.
  5. Show your collection.
  6. Compare the life histories of a butterfly and a grasshopper. Tell how they are different.
  7. Raise a butterfly or moth from a caterpillar.
  8. Tell the things that make social insects different from solitary insects.
  9. Collect and watch an ant colony or a beehive. Tell that you saw.
  10. From your collection, identify:
    1. Four species of insects helpful to humans. Tell how they are helpful.
    2. Six species of harmful insects. Tell how they can be controlled.
  11. Tell how insects fit in the food chains of other insects, fish, birds, and mammals.

    *Some insects are endangered species and are protected by federal or state law. Be sure to check in advance to make sure that anything you collect is not protected.

BSA Advancement ID#: 65
Pamphlet Revision Date: 2002
Requirements last updated in 1993

Page updated on: May 08, 2022

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