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Cub Scout Advancement Tracking Spreadsheets

These spreadsheets track Cub Scout advancement under the current requirements and are designed for use by Den Leaders, the Cubmaster, and the Pack Committee member that maintains Advancement records.

The spreadsheets are based on a set of tracking spreadsheets originally created by Rich Diesslin. Since 2016 they have been maintained by Scott Selhorst,

Each of the spreadsheets contains a sheet with a revision history and a sheet of instructions. The spreadsheets for Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos/Arrow of Light, track individual advancements for an entire den, with sheets containing a Roster, a Meeting Planner, and a Den Status table, plus individual sheets for each member of the Den. There are also spreadsheets for keeping track of progress toward the Summertime Activity Award and for tracking awards for the entire Pack.

As you can see below, each of the spreadsheets can be downloaded as an Excel (.XLSX) file. or as a compressed (.ZIP) file, and there is also a compressed (ZIP) file which contains all seven of the individual spreadsheets.

 Each spreadsheet file contains these general instructions:

  1. Each sheet is protected. This is meant to help everyone (even inexperienced Excel users) use this spreadsheet and not accidentally overwrite formulas.
  2. All YELLOW cells are meant for user input.
  3. All WHITE cells contain static text or contain formulas. These are write protected and may not be modified by the user.
  4. It is recommended you not modify the overall structure of this spreadsheet unless you are an experienced Excel user and understand how one cell can affect others by the use of formulas.
  5. Freely use this spreadsheet. If you find any errors or have suggested improvements, e-mail the author at
Advancement Requirements
For use at the DEN level
Excel Format
ZIP compressed
Lion - Version 1.10
{revised October, 2022}
Lion_Tracker_v1.10.xlsx (204KB) (128KB)
Tiger - Version 4.3
{revised August, 2023}
Tiger_Tracker_v4.3.xlsx (329KB) (238KB)
Wolf - Version 4.3
{revised August, 2023}
Wolf_Tracker_v4.3.xlsx (348KB) (245KB)
Bear - Version 4.3
{revised August, 2023}
Bear_Tracker_v4.3.xlsx (344KB) (243KB)
Webelos and AOL- Version 3.4
{revised August, 2023}
Webelos_AOL_Tracker_v3.4.xlsx (632KB) (532KB)
Award Requirements
For use at the PACK level
Excel Format
ZIP compressed
Cub Awards Tracking - Version 1.7
{revised August, 2022}
Cub_Awards_Tracking_v1.7.xlsx (124KB) (69KB)
Summertime Activity Award Version 1.7
{revised May, 2023}
Summertime_Award_v1.7.xlsx (59KB) (48KB)
All spreadsheets in a single ZIP compressed File:
{revised August, 2023} (1501KB)

Page updated on: April 13, 2022

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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