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Summit Rank

The Venturing program "Venturing", "Discovery", "Pathfinder", and "Summit" awards have been reclassified as Ranks.


  • Adventure
    1. Participate in at least three additional (for a total of seven) Tier II or Tier III adventures at the crew, district, council, area, regional, or national level. To earn the Summit Award, a Venturer must have participated in at least one Tier III adventure and served as a leader during one adventure.
  • Leadership
    1. Complete Mentoring training prior to initiating mentoring relationships.
    2. Since earning the Pathfinder Award, mentor another Venturer in the planning and implementation of a crew, council, area, regional, or national Venturing activity (see Summit Adventure requirement 1). Work with the youth enough to ensure he or she is ready to lead and has organized the appropriate resources, is prepared for contingencies, and has developed an itinerary, conducted training to support the adventure, and mitigated risk before and during the adventure. Participate in the adventure and provide feedback on how the adventure was conducted.
    3. Complete two of the following.
      1. Since earning the Pathfinder Award, serve actively as your crew president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, guide, historian, den chief, or quartermaster for a period of at least six months.* At the beginning of your term, work with your crew president (or Advisor, if you are the president) to set performance goals for the position. Any number of different positions may be held as long as the total length of service equals at least six months. Holding simultaneous positions does not shorten the required number of months. Positions need not flow from one to the other; there may be gaps in time. Once during your term of office, discuss your successes and challenges with your crew president (or Advisor, if you are the president).
      2. Participate in or serve on staff for leadership training such as National Youth Leadership Training, Kodiak Challenge, National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience, Order of the Arrow National Leadership Seminar, Sea Scout SEAL Training, or Wood Badge (for Venturers 18 or older). You may also participate in non-BSA leadership training courses such as those delivered by the National Outdoor Leadership School, if approved by your Advisor. This must be a different training course than you completed for Pathfinder Award requirement 4(b) or Summit Award requirement 4(c).
      3. Lead the delivery of Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews for members of your Venturing crew or another local Venturing crew or for a local district or council training event. After leading the training course, discuss with your crew Advisor how you believe you helped build the skill set of your crew and what you learned by organizing the training course.
  • Personal Growth
    1. Since earning the Pathfinder Award, complete a structured personal reflection. Use this reflection to prepare for goal-setting and as part of your Advisor conference. Explore two of the following areas: Development of Faith,** Development of Self, or Development of Others. You may explore two different areas or explore one area twice.
    2. Create a personal code of conduct. This code of conduct should be guided by your explorations in the areas of faith, self, and others.
    3. Since earning the Pathfinder Award, lead an ethical controversy and conflict resolution scenario with members of your Venturing crew.
  • Service
    1. Since earning the Pathfinder Award, plan, develop, and conduct a service project as described in the Venturing Summit Award Service Project Workbook (512-938). Before you start, have the project proposal form from the workbook completed and approved by those benefitting from the effort, your Advisor, and designated crew or ship youth leadership. This project must be a different service project than one carried out for the Eagle Scout award, the Sea Scout Quartermaster Award, or the Girl Scout Gold Award.
  • Advisor Conference and Board of Review
    Upon completion of the Adventure, Leadership, Personal Growth, and Service requirements, complete the following.
    1. Participate in an Advisor conference. As a part of this conference, share your code of conduct with your Advisor, and explain how your explorations of faith, self, and others, and your goal-setting exercises, influenced the development of your code.
    2. After your Advisor conference, successfully complete a crew board of review. ***

*Venturers may substitute district, council, area, regional, or national Venturing officer or cabinet positions for the positions listed in this requirement.

**Venturers may, but are not required to share the personal reflection associated with Development of Faith with their Advisor during the Advisor conference, or during a board of review.

***For guidelines on the composition of the Summit Board of Review, Click here.

A Venturer may apply previous Venturing experiences to receive credit for requirements 1, 4, and 7. The "Since earning the Pathfinder Award" portion of requirement 4a will be waived for Venturers who completed these requirements prior to June 1, 2014.

All other requirements must be completed after June 1, 2014.

Checklist for use in working on these requirements: Format
Word Format PDF Format

Source: Venturing Awards and Requirements (34784 - SKU 618767) and
Guide to Advancement 2021 (33088 - SKU 648216)

Page updated on: October 15, 2023

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