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Interpreter Strips

German Interpreter Strip (Red Background) German (old version)
German Interpreter Strip (Tan Background) German (new version)
Morse Code Interpreter's Strip Morse Code


Youth and Adults may wear this strip if they show their knowledge of a foreign language or the sign language for the hearing impaired by:

  1. Carrying on a 5-minute conversation in this language.
  2. Translating a 2-minute speech or address.
  3. Writing a letter in the language (Does not apply for sign language)
  4. Translating 200 words or more from the written word.

Morse Code Interpreter's Strip

Morse Code Interpreter's Strip

Special requirements exist for the special Interpreter's Strip for Morse code. The Morse Code interpreter strip designates those who are proficient in Morse Code and denotes their availability for emergency communications and other types of supporting communication for Scouting and the community.

Youth and adults may wear this strip if they show their knowledge of Morse Code by:

  1. Carrying on a five-minute conversation in Morse Code at a speed of at least five words per minute.
  2. Copying correctly a two-minute message sent in Morse Code at a minimum of five words per minute. Copying means writing the message down as it is received.
  3. Sending a 25-word written document in Morse Code at a minimum of five words per minute.

NOTE: The strips shown on this page are a representative sample of some of the languages available. Others can be ordered through the Council Service Center. Older strips were red and white, while newer strips are khaki-tan and red.

Arabic Arabic
Armenian Armenian
Bengali Bengali
Cantonese Chinese Cantonese
Dutch Dutch
Finnish Finnish
French French
Greek Greek
Hebrew Hebrew
Hebrew Hebrew
Italian Italian
Japanese Japanese
Japanese Interpretation Japanese Interpretation
Korean Korean
Korean Korean (in English)
Traditional Mandarin Chinese Mandarin (Traditional)
Madarin Chinese Mandarin
Portuguese Portuguese
Russian Russian
Signing Signing
Spanish Spanish
Vietnamese Vietnamese

Page updated on: February 13, 2019

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