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Sea Scout Marksmanship


To earn this award, Sea Scouts must begin with the Basic Shooter requirements after choosing the discipline or disciplines (rifle, shotgun, or pistol). A Scout may choose to learn how to shoot more than one firearm. A Sea Scout Shooting Sports Medal is earned after a Sea Scout completes the Basic Shooter level, no matter what discipline they shoot. From the main medal, small metal bars attach that show the Scout's discipline and level of accomplishment. Sea Scouts only wear that bar for the highest level they have achieved. If a Scout shoots all three disciplines, they will have the maximum number of bars suspended from their medal.


Basic Shooter

Complete one of the following discipline requirements.
*Note a Sea Scout can choose to complete the requirements in more than one discipline if they decide they want to learn to shoot more than one type of firearm.

  • Rifle - Complete the following requirements:
    • Complete the NRA FIRST Steps program for rifle shooting.
    • Using a .22 caliber rimfire rifle, and shooting from the benchrest position at 50 feet, fire five groups (three shots per group) that can be covered by a quarter. Using these targets, explain how to adjust the sights to zero a rifle.
  • Shotgun -Complete the following requirements:
    • Complete the NRA FIRST Steps program for shotgun shooting
    • Using a 20 or 12 gauge shotgun, hit 11 or more out of 25 targets in one 25-target group.
  • Pistol - Complete the following requirements:
    • Complete the NRA FIRST Steps program for pistol shooting covering both revolvers and semi-automatic pistols.
    • Using a .22 caliber revolver or semi-automatic, shooting from the benchrest position, two hands, at 15 feet, using 9” paper plates or paper disks, shoot 10 plates with five shots on each plate. All shots must be inside a half-inch margin from the edge of the plate. The 10 plates do not have to be fired in succession or on the same day.
      *Note that by achieving this score, the Sea Scout has also earned the Pro-Marksman level
      in the Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification program for Pistol Qualification and would be eligible for their award.

Advanced Shooter

Complete the following requirements for the discipline or disciplines you are shooting from the previous level.

  • Rifle - Complete the following requirements:
    • Using a .22 caliber rimfire rifle, A-17 or A-32 target, and shooting from the standing position at 50 feet, fire 4 rounds of 10 shots in each round scoring a minimum score of 40 out of 100 points in each round.
      *Note that by achieving this score, the Sea Scout has also earned the Pro-Marksman level
      in the Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification program for Rimfire Rifle Standing Course shooting and would be eligible for their award.
  • Shotgun - Complete the following requirement:
    • Using a 20 or 12 gauge shotgun, Trap or Skeet Course, hit 13 or more out of 25 targets four times.
      *Note that by achieving this score, the Sea Scout has also earned the Marksman level
       in the Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification program for Shotgun Qualification.
  • Pistol - Complete the following requirement:
    • Using a .22 caliber revolver or semi-automatic, shoot from the Standing position, two hands with strong side and weak side stages.
      Note: Strong side means the strong hand, usually the writing hand - grips the gun first and functions the trigger while the weak hand provides additional support.
      Weak side means the weak hand grips first and functions the trigger while the strong hand provides additional support.
    • *Note that this is conducted in two stages. Both stages must be completed in the same session to qualify as one completed course of fire.
    • Using a AP-2 target at 15 feet -
      • Stage 1 Strong side - fire at 5 targets with 10 shots each in 6 minutes.
      • Stage 2 Weak Side - fire at 5 targets with 10 shots each in 6 minutes. (A total of 10 shots per target with a possible score per target of 100.)
    • Scoring Requirements:
      Shoot 10 targets, 5 with a score of 46 or better and 5 with a sore of 56 or better.
       (Note that by achieving this score, the Sea Scout has also earned the Marksmanship First Class level
      in the Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification program for Pistol shooting.

Expert Shooter

Complete the NRA Rifle Instructor Training Course, the NRA Shotgun Instructor Training Course or the NRA Pistol Instructor Training Course (Sea Scout's Choice). Upon successful completion, the Sea Scout will be either an NRA Apprentice or Assistant Instructor.

After completing the NRA Instructor Training Course, volunteer to assist at two separate rifle, shotgun or pistol shooting activities held by your Council's shooting sports committee. These can be open shoots held at a camp range, or a District or Council sponsored shooting event for Boy Scouts, Venturers, or Sea Scouts.

  • Rifle - Complete the following requirements:
    • Using a .22 caliber rimfire rifle, A-17 or A-32 target, and shooting from the standing position at 50 feet, fire 6 rounds of 10 shots in each round scoring a minimum score of 50 out of 100 points in each round.
      *Note that by achieving this score, the Sea Scout has also earned the Marksman level
      in the Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification program for Rimfire Rifle Standing Course shooting and would be eligible for their award.
  • Shotgun -Complete the following requirement:
    • Using a 20 or 12 gauge shotgun, Trap or Skeet Course, hit 15 or more out of 25 targets 6 times.
      *Note that by achieving this score, the Sea Scout has also earned the Marksman 1st Class level
      in the Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification program for Shotgun Qualification.
  • Pistol - Complete the following requirements:
    • Using a .22 caliber revolver or semi-automatic, shoot from the Standing, ready, position, two hands with strong side and weak side stages. Note: Strong side means the strong hand, usually the writing hand - grips the gun first and functions the trigger while the weak hand provides additional support. Weak side means the weak hand grips first and functions the trigger while the strong hand provides additional support.
    • *Note that this is conducted in two stages. Both stages must be completed in the same session to qualify as one completed course of fire.
    • Using a AP-2 target at 15 feet -
      • Stage 1 Strong side - Five shots in 20 seconds
      • Stage 2 Weak Side - Five shots in 20 seconds. (A total of 10 shots per target with a possible score per target of 100.)
    • Scoring Requirements:
      Shoot 10 targets, 5 with a score of 60 or better and 5 with a sore of 65 or better. The 10 targets do not have to be fired in succession or on the same day.
      (Note that by achieving this score, the Sea Scout has also earned the Sharpshooter level
      in the Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification program for Pistol shooting.

Source: Sea Scout Manual (#33239 - 2016 Edition - SKU 620543)

Page updated on: December 03, 2017

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