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Summit Board of Review

The following sections of the Guide to Advancement - 2021 (33088 - SKU 648216) provide the guidelines which must be used for arranging and conducting Summit Boards of Review. Particulars for the Summit Rank

  1. The Summit board of review must consist of at least five, but no more than six, members. At least one half of the members, excluding the chair, must be Venturers currently participating in the program. The composition of the board shall be as follows:
    • Chair: The chair shall be an adult at least 21 years of age who is a Venturing-certified* member of the local council or district advancement committee or their designated Venturing-certified representative. He or she is selected according to local council practices.
      *Becoming Venturing-certified includes studying the Venturing Board of Review Guide, completing the Venturing Board of Review training (available on my., and developing a basic knowledge of Venturing.
    • Venturer membership: The board of review shall include at least two Venturers, at least one of whom shall be from the candidate's crew. Other Venturing members of the board of review should be selected from the following list:
      • Current holders of the Summit rank
      • Venturers who are members of the council or national service territory Venturing Officers Association or equivalent
      • Venturers who currently hold a Venturing elected office
      • Eagle Scouts or Sea Scout Quartermasters
      If the chair determines no Venturer is available who meets one of these qualifications, the crew president may nominate another Venturer(s) from the candidate's crew to serve on the board of review.
    • Adult representation: The board of review shall include at least one adult, in addition to the chair, who is registered with the BSA—preferably in the Summit candidate's crew—and who works regularly with the Venturing program at any level. The crew Advisor, associate Advisors, or parents, guardians, or relatives of the Venturer shall not be members of the Summit board of review. The candidate or his or her parent(s) or guardian(s), or relative(s) shall have no part in selecting any board of review members.
    • Community representative: It is recommended that the board of review also involve at least one well- respected adult representative of the community, who need not be affiliated with the BSA. The candidate's crew president and the board of review chair must agree upon the final membership of the board of review. If the candidate is the crew president, the crew's vice president of administration must be in agreement with the chair. If the chair and crew president (or vice president of administration) cannot agree, the candidate's crew Advisor will make the final determination, considering the potential members previously discussed by the crew president and chair.
  2. A board of review shall not occur until after the local council has verified the Summit Rank Application.
  3. The members should convene at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled board of review to review the Summit application and service project workbook.
  4. Summit boards generally last 45 minutes or somewhat longer. This is the highest rank a Venturer may achieve; there should be a discussion of the candidate's successes, experiences, and future plans. It is acceptable for the review to last somewhat longer if the discussions are positive and enjoyable. For additional information, see the Board of Review Summit Rank Fact Sheet, venturing/pdf/512-502_WEB.pdf.
  5. The Summit candidate may have only one board of review (though it may be adjourned and reconvened). Subsequent action falls under the appeal process. (See "After the Venturing Board of Review,", 'Appealing a Decision,", "Filing and Processing an Appeal,", and "Appeal Board Must Research the Case," In those topics covering Scouts BSA board of review appeals, simply replace the Scouts BSA references with those related to Venturing.)
  6. The Summit medal or patch must not be sold or otherwise provided to any crew or to the Venturer nor should the court of honor be scheduled until after the certificate is created at the National Service Center. Initiating Summit Board of Review Under Disputed Circumstances

A board of review under disputed circumstances is available for the Summit rank. Volunteers from the candidate's crew are not involved. It is indicated when a crew Advisor or committee chair does not sign the application, if a crew Advisor conference is denied, if it is thought a crew will not provide a fair hearing, or if the crew Advisor or project beneficiary refuses to sign final approval for what might be considered a satisfactorily completed service project. A board of review under disputed circumstances in Venturing is subject to the same policies and procedures as one for an Eagle Scout candidate. See "Initiating Eagle Scout Board of Review Under Disputed Circumstances," Summit Board of Review Beyond the 21st Birthday

For information about a Summit board of review after a Venturer's 21 st birthday, see "Eagle Scout Board of Review Beyond the 1 8th Birthday" The procedures are the same, with the following exceptions:

  • References to the 18th birthday are replaced with the 21 st birthday for Venturers.
  • Procedures for awarding the Summit rank to someone who completed the requirements as a youth but never received the recognition are the same as outlined for those in the same circumstances who are seeking the Eagle Scout rank. The required documentation, however, would relate to proving Summit requirements were met.

Source: Guide to Advancement 2021 (33088 - SKU 648216)

Page updated on: July 19, 2021

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