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Ready and Prepared Award Badges

Ready and Prepared Award

The BSA Ready & Prepared Award was developed to encourage and reward Boy Scout troops, Varsity Scout teams, and Venturing crews that incorporate safe practices while enjoying challenging activities. The award acknowledges the common sense and judgment, founded on knowledge and training, used to incorporate risk management into a unit's decision-making process. It recognizes that the more responsibility individual members take for their personal health and safety, the more everyone contributes to a successful activity. Earning the award helps units focus on areas in which emphasizing risk management can help reduce fatalities and serious injury, such as

  • Driver and passenger safety
  • BSA Youth Protection
  • Precautions for aquatics activities
  • Premises safety and first-aid readiness
  • Personal fitness and safety

The Award

There are two award levels: Gold and Silver.

To earn the Gold Award, a Boy Scout troop, Varsity Scout team, or Venturing crew must complete 10 mandatory requirements and three elective requirements. Youth and adult members of a unit earning the Gold Award are entitled to wear the gold-bordered BSA Ready & Prepared Award patch and the unit is entitled to display the gold BSA Ready & Prepared ribbon.

To earn the Silver Award, a Boy Scout troop, Varsity Scout team, or Venturing crew must complete 10 mandatory requirements and six elective requirements. Youth and adult members of a unit earning the Silver Award are entitled to wear the silver-bordered BSA Ready & Prepared Award patch, and the unit is entitled to display the silver BSA Ready & Prepared Award ribbon. Units earning the Silver Award also will be acknowledged in Boys' Life magazine. Apply for this award at the time of rechartering.

Award Requirements

All instruction for and participation in activities for the BSA Ready & Prepared Award must follow all precautions and safety measures laid out in the Guide to Safe Scouting and other Scouting literature.

When a Boy Scout troop, Varsity Scout team, or Venturing crew has fulfilled the requirements, it should submit a completed award application to the local council.

A unit can earn the Gold Award this year, work on the remaining three elective requirements, and earn the Silver Award next year.

Mandatory Requirements


  1. At least three registered adults in the unit are trained in Safety Afloat and Safe Swim Defense.
  2. Two or more registered members, including at least one adult, are trained in first aid and CPR by a recognized agency such as the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association.

Youth Protection

  1. Every registered adult in the unit was trained in BSA Youth Protection within the past three years.
  2. Within the past 12 months the unit has viewed the appropriate Youth Protection video.
    • "A Time to Tell" (ages 11 to 14)
    • "Personal Safety Awareness" (ages 14 to 20)
  3. All registered adults and all adults listed as drivers on tour permits for activities occurring during the past six months have read and signed the Driver's Pledge.
  4. The Scoutmaster, Coach, or Advisor; assistant Scoutmasters, Coaches, or Advisors; and unit committee chair have in their possession and have read the most current Guide to Safe Scouting.

Premises Safety

  1. Unit members have conducted a safety check of their meeting place using the checklist in the Guide to Safe Scouting.
  2. The unit first-aid kit was updated in the past six months and is complete.


  1. During the past 12 months the unit filed all required tour permits with the local council. A national tour permit is required for all activities in which travel is 500 or more miles one-way. Local councils set requirements for travel fewer than 500 miles one-way.

Driving/Traffic Safety

Troops and Teams Only

  1. At least half of the Scouts registered in the unit have earned the Traffic Safety merit badge.

Venturing Crews Only

  1. All youth with a driving permit or driver's license have taken Venturing Out: Keys to Safe Driving online or have attended a group presentation.

Elective Award Requirements

In addition to the mandatory requirements, units must complete three of these elective requirements to earn the Gold Award or six to earn the Silver Award.

Youth Training

Troops and Teams Only

  1. At least half of the registered Scouts have earned the First Aid merit badge.

Venturing Crews Only

  1. At least half of the registered crew members are trained in CPR by a recognized agency such as the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association.
  1. At least 75 percent of unit members have completed requirements for the To Be Physically Fit BSA Award or the Quest Award. Details on these awards can be found on the BSA Web site.


  1. The unit has filed a Unit Money Earning Application with the local council for all unit fund-raising activities occurring in the past 12 months.

Special Achievements

  1. The unit has earned the Emergency Preparedness, BSA, Award. Details about this award are located on the BSA Web site.
  2. Unit members have conducted a safety promotion within their community. Areas of interest include Climb On Safely, winter sports, bicycle safety, shooting sports, using tools and equipment, wilderness camping, and using fuels.
  3. Each member of the unit has read chapter 6, Managing Risk, in the Fieldbook and has participated in a group discussion about what he or she read.
  4. The unit has a risk management or health and safety officer. This position can be youth or adult. Attach a copy of the responsibilities of this position to the award application.

The application form may be downloaded from BSA's web site, at:

Page updated on: October 10, 2014

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