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The awards identified as "Discontinued" are no longer available.
Most were discontinued a few years ago, when the training awards program was restructured and simplified.
Scouts and Scouters that earned the awards before they were discontinued may still wear the awards and/or knots on their uniforms.


Arrow of Light Knot Arrow of Light - Worn by adults who earned the Arrow of Light as a youth member.
Eagle Scout Knot Eagle Scout - Worn by adults who earned the rank of Eagle Scout as a youth member.
NESA Life Member - Worn by those with Life memberships in NESA
Distinguished Eagle Scout - Worn by those who have recognized as such.
Explorer Gold Knot Explorer Gold Award - Also Explorer Achievement Award (Discontinued)
Venturing Silver Award Knot Venturing Silver Award - Worn by Adults and Youth who have earned the Venturing Silver Award (Discontinued) This knot represents
both awards.
Venturing Summit Award - Worn by Adults who have earned the Venturing Summit Award
Quartermaster Award Knot (Black on White)
Quartermnaster Award K
			not (White on Black)
Quartermaster - Sea Scout Award - Worn by Adults and Youth who have earned the Quartermaster Award as a youth.


Medal of Merit Knot Medal of Merit - Awarded by the National Council for heroism with little or no risk to life.
Heroism Award Knot Heroism Award - Awarded by the National Council for heroism with less risk to life.
Honor Medal Knot Honor Medal - Awarded by the National Council to those who risk their lives to save another.


Den Leader Award Knot Den Leader's Training Award - One year of tenure and other requirements.
Tiger Cub Group Organizer Award Knot Tiger Cub Den Leader Award Discontinued and replaced with the Den Leader's Training Award
Den Leader Award Knot Cub Scout Den Leader Award Discontinued and replaced with the Den Leader's Training Award
Webelos Den Leader Knot Webelos Den Leader Discontinued and replaced with the Den Leader's Training Award
Den Leader Coach Award Knot Den Leader Coach Award Discontinued and replaced with the Scouter's Training Award for Cub Scouting
Cubmaster Award Knot Cubmaster Award Discontinued and replaced with the Cubmaster's Key
Cubmaster Award Knot Pack Trainer Award Discontinued and replaced with the Scouter's Training Award for Cub Scouting
Cub Scouter Award Knot Cub Scouter Award Discontinued and replaced with the Scouter's Training Award for Cub Scouting
Scouter's Training Award Knot Scouter's Training Award - Basic Training and other requirements. Various requirements, depending on the program.
Scouter's Key Knot Scouter's Key - Various requirements, depending on the program.  - Commissioners, Scoutmasters, Venturing Advisors, and others.
Unit Leader's Award of Merit Award Knot Unit Leader's Award of Merit - Earned by Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Varsity Team Coaches, and Venturing Crew Advisors meeting the requirements on form 512-003. This award replaces the Scoutmaster, Varsity Coach, and Venturing Advisor's Awards of Merit, which have been discontinued.
National President's Scoutmaster Award of Merit Knot
National President's Scoutmaster Award of Merit,
National President's Varsity Team Coach Award of Merit, and
Venturing Advisor's Award of Merit
 These awards have been discontinued and replaced with the Unit Leader's Award of Merit.
Sea Badge Knot Sea Badge - Earned by completing Sea Badge Leader Training
Professional Training Award Knot Professional Scouter Training Award - worn by professional Scouters who have earned the award.
Doctor of Commissiner Science Knot Doctor of Commissioner's Science - completion of a program leading to the award of the Doctorate of Commissioner Science from a College of Commissioner Science.
Distinguished Commissioner Service Award Knot Distinguished Commissioner Service Award - Five years tenure and other requirements.
Commissioner Award of Excellence in Unit Service Commissioner Award of Excellence in Unit Service - Two years tenure and other requirements covering unit service and improved retention of members.
Philmont Training Center Master's Knot Philmont Training Center Master's Knot - attendance at Philmont Training Center (PTC) as a participant at least twice, and other requirements.
Philmont Training Center Master's Knot Alumni Award Knot - Activities by BSA alumni that promote Scouting.


George Meany Award Knot George Meany Award - Presented to labor union members who have been unusually effective in giving leadership to youth.
Scouting Service Award Knot

Scouting Service Award - Presented to Scouters who have shown dedication to a special segment of Scouting, and recognizes Scouters who have earned one of the following five awards:

Whitney Young Jr. Award Knot Whitney Young Jr. Award - Presented for promoting Scouting in the poorest areas of the country. This knot has been discontinued and will be replaced with the Scouting Service Award knot when supplies run out.
Premio por Servicio ˇScouting…Vale la Pena! Service Award Knot Premio por Servicio ˇScouting…Vale la Pena! Service Award - Presented to recognize outstanding services by an adult individual or an organization for demonstrated involvement in the development and implementation of Scouting opportunities for Hispanic American/Latino youth.
reconocer los servicios destacados de una persona u organización por el compromiso demostrado en el desarrollo y la implementación de oportunidades Scouting para la juventud hispanoamericana y latina.
This knot has been discontinued and will be replaced with the Scouting Service Award knot when supplies run out.
Asian American Spirit of Scouting Service Award Knot Asian American Spirit of Scouting Service Award - Presented to recognize outstanding services by an adult individual or an organization for demonstrated involvement in the development and implementation of Scouting opportunities for Asian American youth.
This knot has been discontinued and will be replaced with the Scouting Service Award knot when supplies run out.
 American Indian Scouting Association Grey Wolf Award - Presented to Honor an adult for bringing Scouting opportunities to American Indian youth.  
 Special Needs Scouting Service Award - Presented to honor an adult (volunteer or professional) for bringing Scouting opportunities to Scouts with special needs  
Community Organization Award Knot Community Organization Awards - Presented by various chartered partner organizations for service to Scouting. - requirements vary by organization.
Order of the Arrow Distinguished Service Award Knot Order of the Arrow Distinguished Service Award - The National Order of the Arrow committee presents the Distinguished Service Award to those Arrowmen who have rendered outstanding service to the Order on a sectional, area, regional, or national basis.
William T. Hornaday Award Knot William T. Hornaday Award - Discontinued and replaced with:
BSA Distinguished Conservation Service Award Program
- Recognizes Scouts, Explorers and Scouters for conservation and ecology efforts in their communities.
Whilliam H. Spurgeon Award Knot William H. Spurgeon III Award - Presented to Scouters rendering distinguished service to Exploring
District Award of Merit Knot District Award of Merit - Presented to Scouters at the District level for unusual dedication and service.
Venturing Leadership Award Knot Venturing Leadership Award - Presented to Venturers who have made exceptional contributions to Venturing and who exemplify the Venturing Code.
Silver Beaver Knot Silver Beaver - Presented to Scouters at the Council level for unusual dedication and service.
Silver Antelope Knot Silver Antelope - Presented to Scouters at the Regional level for unusual dedication and service.
Silver Buffalo Knot Silver Buffalo - Presented to Scouters and non-Scouters at the National level for unusual dedication and service.
Silver World Knot Silver World - Presented to Scouters who have supported Scouting on a worldwide basis.
International Scouter Award Knot International Scouter - Recognizes Scouters for their contributions to world Scouting.


Youth Religious Emblem Knot Youth Religious Emblem - Worn by youth and adult members who received a religious emblem as a youth member.
Adult Religious Award Knot Adult Religious Award - Worn by adults who received religious awards as an adult.


James West Fellowship Award Knot James West Fellowship Award - Worn by those honored for their personal donation of a minimum of $1000 to a local Council Endowment Fund, or honored by others with such a donation
William D. Boyce New-Unit Organizer Award Knot William D. Boyce New-Unit Organizer Award - Worn by those honored for starting a new unit.
BSA Speaker Bank Knot BSA Speakers Bank  Discontinued

Page updated on: May 26, 2021

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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