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Special Needs Scouting Service Award

Scouting Service Award Square KnotSpecial needs scouting service award device No. 641462

This award was established to provide clear and visible recognition to adults, volunteer and professional, who serve the community of members with disabilities/special needs of the Scouting movement. This award is earned by direct action on behalf of members with disabilities/special needs and by spreading the ideals of inclusiveness, diversity, and disability awareness in Scouting. The award is intended to create enhanced visibility of the resources available to serve these members and to ensure their success in Scouting.

This award provides multiple venues for serving that community. It will create a pool of potential recipients for the council level Torch of Gold Award and the national level Woods Services Award by identifying individuals who have given exemplary service to the Scouting program for members with disabilities/special needs.

  • Involves working with Scouts who have disabilities or special needs
  • The Special Needs Scouting Service Award recognizes and may be earned by adult volunteers and professionals whose active and outstanding service promotes awareness of disabilities and special needs in Scouting
  • Advocates the recruitment, inclusion, and full participation of members who have disabilities or special needs in the programs of the Boy Scouts of America

Who can earn this award?

Adult volunteers and professionals who complete the specified requirements.


  1. Be a registered adult or professional BSA staff. and maintain current Youth Protection Training.
  2. Actively participate in activities concerning youth who have disabilities or special needs at the unit (pack, troop or crew),district, council, area, regional, or national level for three years.

Complete six of the following 12 requirements:

  1. Attend a training seminar or conference on disabilities or special needs sponsored and conducted by the BSA or through an organization that serves youth or adults with disabilitie and/special needs. (e.g. The American Red Cross, blind associations, cerebral palsy agencies, independent living resource centers, autism scocieties, Special Olympics)
  2. Present one of the nationally approved disabilities and special needs classes (e.g., classes within
    the College of Commissioner Science curriculum or classes prepared by the National Disabilities
    Awareness Task Force) at any level.
  3. Serve as a staff member at a district, council, area, regional, or national event on the theme of youth
    with disabilities or special needs in Scouting.
  4. Create and organize a unit (pack, troop, or crew) that primarily serves youth with disabilities or
    special needs but is open for membership by youth without disabilities or special needs.
  5. Serve as a mentor for a Scout who has a disability or special need for six months.
  6. Serve as a group discussion leader on Scouting for youth with disabilities or special needs.
    Do this at a roundtable or district commissioner meeting or similar gathering of volunteer or
    professional Scouters.
  7. Promote and assist in organizing and conducting an outdoor event for youth with disabilities or
    special needs, or an outdoor event that promotes disabilities awareness and acceptance among
    those who don't have a disability.
  8. Recruit and register two adults to volunteer in providing Scouting opportunities to youth with
    disabilities or special needs, or recruit two youth with disabilities or special needs to join Scouting
    and remain members for one year.
  9. Assist the district or council in forming a partnership with an organization that serves individuals with
    disabilities or special needs.
  10. For two years, actively serve on a district, council, area, regional, or national committee on Scouting
    with disabilities/special needs.
  11. Assist the local council in efforts to raise funds for Scouts with disabilities or special needs to
    participate in activities within the Scouting program.
  12. Assist the local council in a public awareness campaign to heighten knowledge of Scouting with
    disabilities and special needs.

Application process:

Once an individual has completed the requirements to this award, he or she shall forward the completed application to the District for review and approval by the Council Scout Executive, or designee.

Awards are approved at the council level.

When approving this award, please also email the National Disabilities Awareness Subcommittee (NDASJ at (SUBJECT: "SNSSA") with the council's name and number of knots awarded.


Recipients of this award will receive the Scouting Service Award Square knot patch  (No. 625334) and Device No. 641462 (shown above), certificate, and a medallion suspended from a ribbon.

Source: Special Needs Scouting Service Award Nomination Form (Bin Item No. 512-067)

Page updated on: May 28, 2021

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